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研究方向为植物与病原细菌的互作机制解析,主要包括水稻白叶枯病重要致病因子的调控机制,病原细菌诱导的水稻免疫机制,水稻抗生物胁迫和非生物胁迫共调控通路等。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金和中国博士后科学基金特别资助各1项。在Mol Plant PatholFront MicrobiolPlant Cell PhysiolInt J Mol SciRiceBMC Microbiol等国内外刊物发表研究论文10余篇。





  1. Yu, C.; Yang, F.; Xue, D.; Wang, X.; Chen, H.*,The regulatory functions of σ54 factor in phytopathogenic bacteria. Int J Mol Sci 2021, 22(23): 12692.

  2. Yu, C.†; Nguyen, D.P.†; Yang, F.; Shi, J.; Wei, Y.; Tian, F.; Zhao, X.*; Chen, H.*, Transcriptome analysis revealed overlapping and special regulatory roles of RpoN1 and RpoN2 in motility, virulence, and growth of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Front Microbiol 2021, 12: 653354.

  3. Yu, C.; Nguyen, D. P.; Ren, Z.; Liu, J.; Yang, F.; Tian, F.; Fan, S.; Chen, H.*, The RpoN2-PilRX regulatory system governs type IV pilus gene transcription and is required for bacterial motility and virulence in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Mol Plant Pathol 2020, 21 (5): 652-666.

  4. Yu, C.; Chen, Y.; Cao, Y.; Chen, H.*; Wang, J; Bi, Y.; Tian, F.; Yang, F.; Rothstein, S.; Zhou, X.; He, C., Overexpression of miR169o, an overlapping microRNA in response to both nitrogen limitation and bacterial infection, promotes nitrogen use efficiency and susceptibility to bacterial blight in rice. Plant Cell Physiol, 2018, 59(6):1234-1247.

  5. Yu, C.; Chen, H.; Tian, F.; Yang, F.; Yuan, X.; Yang, C. H.; He, C.*, A ten gene-containing genomic island determines flagellin glycosylation: implication for its regulatory role in motility and virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Mol Plant Pathol 2018, 19 (3): 579-592.

  6. Yu, C.; Chen, H.; Tian, F.; Yang, F.; He, C., RpoN2- and FliA-regulated fliTX is indispensible for flagellar motility and virulence in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. BMC Microbiol 2017, 17 (1): 171.

  7. Yu, C.†; Wang, N.†; Wu, M.; Tian, F.; Chen, H.; Yang, F.; Yuan, X.; Yang, C. H.; He, C.*, OxyR-regulated catalase CatB promotes the virulence in rice via detoxifying hydrogen peroxide in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. BMC Microbiol 2016, 16 (1): 269.

  8. Yu, C.†; Chen, H. M.†; Tian, F.; Bi, Y. M.; Steven, R. J.; Jan, L. E.; He, C. Y.*, Identification of differentially-expressed genes of rice in overlapping responses to bacterial infection by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and nitrogen deficiency. J Integr Agr 2015, 14 (5): 888-899.

  9. Yu, C.†; Chen, H.†; Tian, F.; Leach, J. E.; He, C.*, Differentially-expressed genes in rice infected by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae relative to a flagellin-deficient mutant reveal potential functions of flagellin in host-pathogen interactions. Rice 2014, 7 (1): 20.

  10. 胡积祥†,曹雅倩†,朱秀梅,余超,田芳,杨凤环,陈华民*,何晨阳。基于瞬时表达系统的水稻miRNA靶基因快速验证系统的建立。生物技术通报2019, 35(10): 57-63.

  11. 陈禹彤,陈华民*,余超,Amy Thein,田芳,何晨阳。水稻miR169o及其靶基因OsNF-YAs对缺水胁迫的早期表达反应。生物技术通报 2015, 31(8): 76-81.

  12. 伍甜,刘莹,余超,边强,田芳,黄琼,陈华民*,何晨阳。燕麦嗜酸菌鞭毛素的提纯及其活性检测。生物技术通报 2013, (7): 78-81

  13. Shahbaz, M.U.†; Qian, S.†; Yun, F.†; Zhang, J.; Yu, C.; Tian, F.; Yang F.*; Chen H.*, 2020. Identification of the regulatory components mediated by the Cyclic di-GMP receptor Filp and its interactor PilZX3 and functioning in virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 2020, 33(10): 1196-1208.

  14. Li, H.; Yu, C.; Chen, H.; Tian, F.*; He, C., PXO_00987, a putative acetyltransferase, is required for flagellin glycosylation, and regulates flagellar motility, exopolysaccharide production, and biofilm formation in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Microb Pathog 2015, 85: 50-7.

  15. Tian, F.; Yu, C.; Li, H.; Wu, X.; Li, B.; Chen, H.; Wu, M.; He, C.*, Alternative sigma factor RpoN2 is required for flagellar motility and full virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Microbiol Res 2015, 170: 177-83.