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现工作于海燕策略研究中心官网木霉菌组,2003年7月和2007年7月分别获得海燕策略研究中心官网理学硕士学位和农学博士学位,2007年9月-2009年10月在海燕策略研究中心官网博士后流动站工作,2009年10月留所工作。主要从事木霉菌资源收集评价与进化研究、生防木霉菌-病原-植物互作研究、木霉菌厚垣孢子发酵工艺和产品制备、木霉菌产厚垣孢子相关基因的挖掘与功能验证、生防木霉菌内生病毒的发掘和对寄主的生防功能的影响、植物生防内生菌的发掘、生防成果转化和牧草病毒种群分子进化研究等。先后主持国家自然基金青年基金和国家自然基金面上基金、北京市自然基金面上基金、农业部转基因重大专项(子课题)、中德中心准备访问项目等;参加科技部973、863、农业部转基因重大专项、农业部科技支撑项目、德国科技部的双边合作项目和科技部国际合作项目等9项。获奖4项、专利7件、参编著作1部、发表论文30多篇(其中SCI 20篇)。




国家自然科学基金中德科学中心项目准备访问(GZ 1552)







  1. Xinhong Peng#, Beilei Wu#, Shuaihu Zhang, Mei Li*, Xiliang Jiang* Transcriptome Dynamics Underlying Chlamydospore Formation in Trichoderma virens GV29-8. Fronters in Microbiology. 2021, 12:654855. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.654855

  2. Rongqun Wang, Chenchen Liu, Zhaoyan Tan, Qiaoxia Shang, Beilei Wu*, Xiliang Jiang*, The Exploration of Mycoviruses from Trichoderma Spp., Agri Res & Tech: Open Access J. 2021; 25 (4): 556310. DOI: 10.19080/ARTOAJ.2021.25.556310

  3. Jing Ma, Estifanos Tsegaye, Mei Li, Beilei Wu*, Xiliang Jiang*, Biodiversity of Trichoderma from grassland and forest ecosystems in Northern Xinjiang, China, 3 Biotech (2020) 10:362.

  4. Beilei Wu*, Mei Li, Chenchen Liu and Xiliang Jiang* The Insight of Mycovirus from Trichoderma spp. Agri Res & Tech: Open Access J 24(2): ARTOAJ.MS.ID.556258 (2020)  

  5. Chenchen Liu, Mei Li, Estifanos Tsegaye Redda, Jie Mei, Jiantai Zhang, Beilei Wu*, Xiliang Jiang*, A novel double-stranded RNA mycovirus isolated from Trichoderma harzianum, Virology Journal, 2019, 16:113

  6. Chenchen Liu, Mei Li, Estifanos Tsegaye Redda, Jie Mei, Jiantai Zhang, Santiago F. Elena, Beilei Wu*, Xiliang Jiang*, Complete nucleotide sequence of a novel mycovirus from Trichoderma harzianum in China, Archives of Virology, 2019, 164:1213–1216.

  7. Ruben Gonzalez#, Beilei Wu#, Xianghua Li, Fernando Martınez, and Santiago F. Elena*,Mutagenesis Scanning Uncovers Evolutionary Constraints on Tobacco Etch Potyvirus Membrane-Associated 6K2 Protein, Genome Biol. Evol. 2019, 11(4):1207–1222.

  8. Beilei Wu#, Mark P. Zwart#, Jesús A. Sánchez-Navarro & Santiago F. Elena, Within-host evolution of segments ratio for the tripartite genome of Alfalfa mosaic virus, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 5004. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-05335-8.

  9. Mohamad Hamed Ghodoum Parizipour, Joerg Schubert, Seyed Ali Akbar Behjatnia, AlirezaAfsharifar, Antje Habekuß, Beilei Wu*, Phylogenetic analysis of Wheat dwarf virus isolates from Iran, Virus genes, 2016, DOI 10.1007/ s11262 -016-1412-0.

  10. Beilei Wu#, Xiaonan Shang, Joerg Schubert, Antje Habekuß, Santiago F. Elena*, Xifeng Wang, Global-scale computational analysis of genomic sequences reveals the recombination pattern and coevolution dynamics of cereal-infecting geminiviruses, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5(8153).

  11. Beilei Wu#, Alexandra Blanchard-Letort#, Yan Liu, Guanghe Zhou, Xifeng Wang, Santiago F. Elena, Dynamics of Molecular Evolution and Phylogeography of Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV, PLoS ONE, 2011, 6(2): e16896. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone. 0016896.

  12. Beilei Wu, Ulrich Melcher Xingyi Guo, Xifeng Wang*, Longjiang Fan and Guanghe Zhou Assessment of codivergence of Mastreviruses with their plant hosts, BMC Evolutionary Biology 2008, 8:335