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王瑞,男,1976年出生于河北省大名县。1995年至2002甘肃农业大学草业学院攻读本科和硕士研究生2006年获中国科学院植物研究所理学博士学位。2006年7月至今在海燕策略研究中心官网生物入侵研究室工作。20141-12在以色列希伯来大学生命科学院移动生态学实验室(Movement Ecology Lab)做访问学者

主要从事外来入侵物种扩散机制、风险评估与早期监测预警等方面的研究。已采用空间分析、网络理论、溯源分析、扩散生态学、种群统计学等方法研究了我国10余种重要外来入侵植物分布格局、扩散机制时空动态预判与监测预警相关成果已发表在New PhytologistEnvironmental Science and TechnologyJournal of EcologyWater Resources Research,Pest Management Science等学术期刊。主持国家自然科学基金3项,作为学术骨干参与了、国家重点研发计划、科技部973计划、基础性工作专项、科技支撑计划、农业部/环保部公益性行业专项等相关项目的研究。已发表学术论文20余篇,主编专著2部,参编入侵生物学系列专著6部。获环境保护科学技术二等奖1项(第5完成人),中国植物保护学会科普将1项(第3完成人)。




Cao Jingjing, Wu Qianmei, Wan Fang-Hao, Guo Jianying and Wang Rui*. 2022. Reliable and rapid identification of glyphosate-resistance in the invasive weed Amaranthus palmeri in China. Pest Management Science, 78: 2173-2182.

Wu Qianme, Xu Chengdong, Li Jiamei, Liu Wanxue, Wan Fang-Hao, Guo Jianying, Wang Rui*. 2022. Expansion of non-native plant Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze driven by a range of factors leading to patchy distribution patterns. Ecology and Evolutions, 12, e9303. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.9303

Wan Jing#, Wang Rrui#*, Ren Yonglin, McKirdy Simon*. 2020. Potential distribution and the risks of Bactericera cockerelli and its associated plant pathogen Candidatus Liberibacter Solanacearum for global potato production. Insects, 11(5), 298

Horvitz Nir #, Wang Rui#, Wan Fang-Hao and Nathan Ran. 2017. Pervasive human-mediated large-scale invasion: analysis of spread patterns and their underlying mechanisms in 17 of China’s worst invasive plants. Journal of Ecology, 105, 85–94

Liu Dasheng#, Wang Rui#, Gordon R. Doria, Sun Xihua, Chen Lu, and Wang Yanwen. 2017. Predicting plant invasions following China’s water diversion project. Environmental Science and Technology, 51, 1450−1457.

Horvitz Nir#, Wang Rui#, Zhu Min, Wang Fang-Hao, Nathan R. 2014.. A simple modeling approach to elucidate the main transport processes and predict invasive spread: river-mediated invasion of Ageratina adenophora in China. Water Resources Research, 50, 9738–9747

Xiao Lihong, Li Zhi, Wang Rui, Wang Yin-Zheng. 2012. Population differentiation and phylogeographic pattern of a relict species, Conandron ramondioides (Gesneriaceae), revealed from sequence polymorphism and haplotypes of the CYCLOIDEA gene. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 50(1): 45-57.

Wang Rui, Wang Jinfeng, Qiu Zhijing, Meng Bin, Wan Fang-Hao* and Wang Yin-Zheng*. 2011. Multiple mechanisms underlie rapid expansion of an invasive alien plant. New Phytologist 191: 828–839.