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1992年获北京农业大学应用化学专业学士学位,1999年获中国农业大学农药学硕士学位,2010年年获中国农业大学理学博士学位。1999-2003年海燕策略研究中心官网原子能利用研究所研究实习员, 2003年至今,海燕策略研究中心官网。



1 Wu CC, WangZN, Ma Y, Luo JY., Gao XK, Ning J, Mei XD, She DM*.  Influence of the neonicotinoid insecticide thiamethoxam on soil bacterial community composition and metabolic function. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020.124275.

2 Quan, HY, Wang LY, Wang ZN, Mei XD, Ning J, She DM*. (2020). Application of N-Acylimidazoles in the Claisen Condensation Reaction. ChemistrySelect. 5(24): 7222-7226.

3 Quan, HY, Wang LY, Wang ZN, Mei XD, Ning J, She DM*. (2020). Alkylacylimidazoles in Claisen-Schmidt and Knoevenagel Condensations. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. 56(8): 1462-1467.

4 Wu CC, Dong FS, Quan HY, Mei XD, Ning J. She DM. 2019. Isotope-labeled internal standards and grouping scheme for determination of neonicotinoid insecticides and their metabolites in fruits, vegetables and cereals-A compensation of matrix effects. Food Chemistry, 2019.125871.

5 Wu CC, Dong FS, Quan HY, Mei XD, Ning J. She DM. 2019. Distribution, dissipation, and metabolism of neonicotinoid insecticides in the cotton ecosystem under foliar spray and root irrigation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67, 12374−12381.

6 Wu CC, Dong FS, Quan HY, Mei XD, Ning J. She DM. 2019. Modeling of the Phytophthora capsici cellulose synthase 3 and its inhibitors activity assay. Pest management science, 75(11): 3024-3030.

7 Li ZK, Liu WL, Wu CC, She DM. Effect of spraying direction on the exposure to handlers with hand-pumped knapsack sprayer in maize field. 2019. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 170: 107-111.

8 Quan HY, Wu CC, Mei XD, Ning J, She DM. Simultaneous determination of four triazines in soil by isotope dilution mass spectrometry using 13C-labeled triazines as internal standards. 2019. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 100(13), 1468–1478.

9 Ren J X, Li Z K, Tao C J, Zhang LY, Zhao HF, Wu CC, She DM. Exposure assessment of operators to clothianidin when using knapsack electric sprayers in greenhouses.2018. International journal of environmental science and technology, 16(3): 1471-1478.

10 Zhinan Wang 1,y, Yuxi Meng 1,2,y, Xiangdong Mei 1, Jun Ning 1, Xiaodong Ma 2,*and Dongmei She 1,* Assessment of Handler Exposure to Pesticides from Stretcher-Type Power Sprayers in Orchards,Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(23), 8684; doi:10.3390/app10238684

11 JingXia Ren, ChuanJiang Taob, DongMei She*,. Potential exposure to clothianidin and risk assessment of manual users of treated soil,Pest Manag Sci (2017); 73: 1798–1803.

12 Yan Song, Yangzhen Guo, Xia Zhang, Yue Yang, Shuo Chen, Gaismei She,and Dongmei She,* Synthesis of Isotopically Labeled 13C3-Simazine and Development of a Simultaneous UPLC-MS/MS Method for the Analysis of Simazine in Soil,Molecules, 21(9),1-8, 2016

13 BeiBei Gao, ChuanJiang Tao, JiMing Ye, Jun Ning, XiangDong Mei, ZhiFu Jiang, Shuo Chen and DongMei She∗, Measurement of operator exposure to chlorpyrifos, Pest Manag. Sci., 70(4): 636–641, 2014

14 Wen-Yan Qu, DongMei She*, Jian Zhao, De-Jie Lin, Qi-Liang Huang,Feng-Min Li,Mannich-Type Reaction for Synthesis of 3-Methyl-4-nitroimino-tetrahydro-1,3,5-oxadiazine, Synthetic Communications, 42(13):1950-1958,2012

15 Shuo Chen, Dejie Lin, Zhifu Jiang, Jian Zhao, Beibei Gao, Dongmei She*. Synthesis of C-13-labelled Atrazine, Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 56(5), 305–306, 2013

16 Gaimei She, Zhiqin Guo, HAIsning Lv, Dongmei She*. New flavonoid glycosides from elsholtzia rugulosa hemsl. Molecules. 14:4190-4196, 2009

17 Jiang Zhifu, Zhao Jian, Gao Beibei, Chen Shuo, Qu Wenyan, Mei Xiangdong, Rui Changhui, Ning Jun, She Dongmei*. Synthesis and Application of N-Tosyl Piperidinyl-Containing α-Aminophosphonates, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Sillcon and the Related Elements,188:1026–1037, 2013

18 DongMei She, Hai-Lin Yu, QiLiang Huang, Fen-Ming Li, ChunJiu Li. Liquid-phase synthesis of cyanuric acid from urea. Molecules. 15:1898-1902, 2010

19 Changcai Wu,  Fengshou Dong,a Xiuye Chen, Tao Zhang,b Xiangdong Mei, Jun Ninga* and Dongmei She*,Spatial and temporal distribution, degradation, and metabolism of three neonicotinoid insecticides on different parts, especially pests' target feeding parts of apple tree,Pest Manag Sci 2020; 76: 2190–2197

20 胡宇钊,全海源,王留洋,王智楠,梅向东,宁君,折冬梅.稳定同位素标记1,4-二氢吡啶类药剂的5,6-位及其取代基碳的合成*.2021.有机化学:(41),788~794.