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周雪平,男,1965年7月出生于江苏吴县。1986年获南京农业大学植物病理学专业学士学位,1989年获南京农业大学植物病理学专业硕士学位,1992年获南京农业大学植物病理学专业博士学位。1992年至1994年在浙江农业大学博士后流动站工作,出站后留校任教。历任浙江农业大学生物技术研究所副所长,浙江大学农业与生物技术学院书记、院长。2013年5月至2022年7月任海燕策略研究中心官网所长。担任国际植物保护科学协会执委,国际植物病理学会理事,国际病毒分类委员会委员,植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室主任,农业部第九届科学技术委员会委员,第七届国家自然科学基金委生命科学部专家咨询委员会委员,Annual Review of Phytopathology、Journal of General Virology和Virology等杂志编委。2001年获国家杰出青年基金,2005年被教育部聘为“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授。

周雪平长期从事植物病毒病害研究,先后主持国家自然科学基金重大项目、重点国际(地区)合作研究项目和农业产业技术体系科研专项等多项重大课题。首次发现植物病毒种间基因组重组可以产生新病毒。系统调查了我国双生病毒的发生分布,鉴定了41种双生病毒,其中31种为新种;明确了双生病毒及卫星DNA在致病中的作用,阐明了双生病毒及卫星DNA的致病机理;发现双生病毒与传毒介体烟粉虱之间存在互惠关系并阐明了互惠关系的分子机制。制备了40多种重要作物病毒的单克隆抗体,创制了病毒快速检测技术及检测试剂盒并已广泛引用于水稻等作物病毒病的早期诊断、监测预警与防控。在Molecular Cell、Genes and Development、Annual Review of Phytopathology、Plant Cell、PLoS Pathogens等杂志发表SCI论文200余篇,论文被SCI论文引用4500多次。以第一完成人获国家自然科学二等奖一项、省部级科技进步一等奖4项,授权国家发明专利13项。指导的崔晓峰博士的学位论文“双生病毒DNAβ分子βC1基因的功能研究”获2006年全国优秀博士学位论文,谢艳博士的学位论文“双生病毒及伴随小分子DNA的基因组结构与变异”、熊如意博士的学位论文“水稻条纹病毒基因的原核表达及NS3和NSvc4的功能研究”和杨秀玲博士的学位论文“中国番茄黄曲叶病毒抵御RNA沉默的机制和番茄黄曲叶病毒的分子变异研究”分别获2005年、2009年和2013年全国优秀博士学位论文提名论文。2004年获国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)先进个人并入选新世纪百千万 人才工程国家级人选,2005年获全国优秀博士后并,2012年被评为全国农业科研杰出人才,2014年获全国优秀科技工作者荣誉称号,2017年获得何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖。



1、Fangrui Ni, Liang Wu, Qiang Wang, Jian Hong, Yijun Qi*, Xueping Zhou*. 2017. Turnip yellow mosaic virus P69 protein interacts with and suppresses GLK transcription factors to cause pale-green symptoms in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 10 (5):764-766

2、Fangfang Li, NanZhao, Zhenghe Li, XiongbiaoXu, Yaqin Wang, Bi Wang, Aiming Wang, Xueping Zhou*. 2017. A calmodulin-related protein suppresses RNA silencing and promotes geminivirus infection by degrading SGS3 via the autophagy pathway in Nicotiana benthamiana.PLoS Pathogens 13(2):e1006213

3、XuetingZhong, Zhan Qi Wang, Ruyuan Xiao, Linge Cao, Yaqin Wang, Jianxiang Wu, Yan Xie*, Xueping Zhou*. 2017. Mimic Phosphorylation of a βC1 Encoded by TYLCCNB Impairs its Functions as a Viral Suppressor of RNA Silencing and a Symptom Determinant. Journal of Virology 91(16):e00300-17

4、QingtangShen, Tao Hu, Min Bao, Linge Cao, Huawei Zhang, Fengmin Song, Qi Xie, Xueping Zhou*. 2016. Tobacco RING E3 ligase NtRFP1 mediates ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of a geminivirus-encoded βC1. Molecular Plant 9(6):911-925

5、Bo Zhu, Muhammad Ibrahim, Zhouqi Cui, GuanlinXie, Gulei Jin, Michael Kube, Bin Li*, Xueping Zhou*. 2016. Multi-omics analysis of niche specificity provides new insights into ecological adaptation in bacteria. ISME Journal 10 (8):2072-2075

6、Tong Zhang, XiongbiaoXu, Changjun Huang, YajuanQian, Zhenghe Li, Xueping Zhou*. 2016. A novel DNA motif contributes to selective replication of a geminivirus-associated betasatellite by a helper virus-encoded replication-related protein. Journal of Virology 90(4):2077-2089

7、YajuanQian, HuweiHou, QingtangShen, XinzhongCai, Garry Sunter, Xueping Zhou*. 2016. RepA protein encoded by Oat dwarf virus elicits a temperature-sensitive hypersensitive response-type cell death that involvesjasmonic acid-dependent signaling. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 29(1):5-21

8、Fangfang Li, XiongbiaoXu, Changjun Huang, ZhouhangGu, Linge Cao, Tao Hu, Ming Ding, Zhenghe Li*, Xueping Zhou*. 2015. The AC5 protein encoded byMungbean yellow mosaic India virus is a pathogenicity determinant that suppresses RNA silencing-based antiviral defenses. New Phytologist208(10):555-569

9、Fangfang Li, Weidi Wang, Nan Zhao, Bingguang Xiao, Peijian Cao, Xingfu Wu, Chuyu Ye, EnhuiShen, JieQiu, Qian-Hao Zhu, JiahuaXie, Xueping Zhou*, Longjiang Fan*. 2015. Regulation of nicotine biosynthesis by an endogenous target Mimicry of miRNA in tobacco. Plant Physiology169(2):1062-1071

10、Yi Xu, Jianxiang Wu, Shuai Fu, Chenyang Li, Zeng-rong Zhu, Xueping Zhou*. 2015. Rice stripe Tenuivirus nonstructural protein 3 hijacks the 26S proteasome of the small brown planthopper, via direct interaction with regulatory-particle non-ATPase subunit 3. Journal of Virology 89(8):4296-4310

11、ZhouhangGu, Changjun Huang, Fangfang Li, Xueping Zhou*. 2014. A versatilesystem for functional analysis of genes and microRNAs in cotton. Plant Biotechnology Journal12(5):638-649

12、Lingfang Kong, Jianxiang Wu, Lina Lu, Yi Xu, Xueping Zhou*. 2014. Interaction between Rice stripe virus disease-specific protein and host PsbP enhances virus symptoms. Molecular Plant 7(4): 691-708

13、Fangfang Li, Changjun Huang, Zhenghe Li*, Xueping Zhou*. 2014. Suppression of RNA silencing by a plant DNA virus satellite requires a host calmodulin-like protein to repress RDR6 expression. PLoS Pathogens10(2): e1003921

14、Xueping Zhou*. 2013. Advances in understanding begomovirus satellites. Annual Review of Phytopathology 51:357-381

15、Tong Zhang, Jun-bo Luan, Jin-feng Qi, Chang-jun Huang, Meng Li, Xue-ping Zhou*, Shu-sheng Liu*. 2012. Begomovirus-whitefly mutualism is achieved through repression of plant defenses by a virus pathogenicity factor. Molecular Ecology21(5):1294-304

16、QingtangShen, Zhou Liu, Fengming Song, Qi Xie, Linda Hanley-Bowdoin, Xueping Zhou*. 2011. Tomato SlSnRK1protein interacts with and phosphorylates βC1, a pathogenesis protein encoded by a geminivirus betasatellite. Plant Physiology 157 (3): 1394-1406

17、Xiuling Yang, Yan Xie, Priya Raja, Sizhun Li, Jamie N. Wolf, QingtangShen, David M. Bisaro*, Xueping Zhou*. 2011.Suppression of methylation-mediated transcriptional gene silencing by C1-SAHH protein interaction during geminivirus-betasatellite infection.PLoS Pathogens 7(10):e1002329

18、Aiming Wang,Xueping Zhou. 2016. Current Research Topics in Plant Virology. Springer