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宋英,女,博士,研究员,博士生导师,2006年博士毕业于中国科学院水生生物研究所;2008-2013年在美国莱斯大学(Rice University)生态与进化生物系开展博士后研究,2013年12月进入海燕策略研究中心官网工作,入选海燕策略研究中心官网“农科英才”计划青年英才。

主要围绕鼠类抗药性和季节性繁殖现象,利用高通量二代基因组测序技术,整合生物信息学、表观遗传学、分子生态学等学科的理论和方法,研究鼠类产生抗药性和季节性繁殖现象的分子遗传学和表观遗传学机制。主要内容包括我国主要鼠类产生抗药性的分子遗传和表观遗传机制,构建我国主要抗性鼠类种群的特征性抗性指纹数据库,开发快速高通量鉴定抗性鼠的分子技术;调控鼠类季节性繁殖的表观遗传机制;我国鼠类种群的遗传结构和谱系地理分布特征。在Current Biology、Molecular Ecology、PNAS等杂志发表论文多篇,研究成果曾被Science、Discover Magazine, BBC News及我国的科技日报等多家杂志媒体专门撰文评论和报道。

联系方式 songying01@caas.cn


  1. Ma X, Chen Y, Ying Y, Geng Y, Wang D, Li N, Liu X-H*, Song Y*. (2021) Sublethal dose of warfarin induction promotes the accumulation of warfarin resistance in susceptible Norway rats. J Pest Sci, 94(4):1-11.

  2. Wang D, Li N, Tian L, Ren F, Li Z, Chen Y, Liu L, Hu X, Zhang X, Song Y*, Hut R*, Liu X*. (2019) Dynamic expressions of hypothalamic genes regulate seasonal breeding in a natural rodent population. Mol Ecol, 28(15):3508-3522.

  3. Ma X, Wang D, Li N, Liu L, Tian L, Luo C, Cong L, Feng Z, Liu X*, Song Y* (2018). Low warfarin resistance frequency in Norway rats in two cities in China after 30 years of usage of anticoagulant rodenticides. Pest Manag Sci, 74 (11): 2555-2560.

  4. Chen Y, Wang D, Li N, Hu X, Ren F, Hao WL, Song Y, Liu X* (2018). Kinship analysis reveals reproductive success skewed toward overwintered Brandt’s voles in semi-natural enclosures. Integrative Zoology. 14 (5) doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12330.

  5. Chen Y, Liu L, Li Z, Wang D, Li N, Song Y, Guo C, Liu X* (2017) Molecular cloning and characterization of kiss1 in Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 208-209: 68-74.

  6. Zeng L, Ming C, Li Y, Su L, Su Y, O Otecko N, Dalecky A, Donnellan S, Aplin K, Liu XH, Song Y, Zhibin Z, Esmailizadeh A, Sohrabi SS, Nanaei HA, Liu HQ, Wang MS, Atteynine SA, Rocamora G, Brescia F, Morand S, Irwin DM, Peng MS, Yao YG, Li H, Wu DD, Zhang YP2017. Out of Southern East Asia of the Brown Rat Revealed by Large Scale Genome Sequencing. Mol Biol Evol, 35(1): 149~158.

  7. Chen Y, Liu L, Li Z, Wang D.W., Li N, Song Y., Liu XH*. 2017. Molecular cloning and characterization of Kiss1 in Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii). Comp Biochem Physiol B 208–209: 68–74

  8. Song Y., Lan Z., Kohn M.H. 2014. Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of the Norway rat. PLoS ONE 9e88425.

  9. Song Y., Endepols S., Klemann N., Richter D., Matuschka F., Shih C., Nachman M. and Kohn M.H. 2011. Adaptive introgression of anticoagulant rodent poison resistance by hybridization between Old World mice. Curr Biol 21 (15), 1296-1301.

  10. Liu K.J., Steinberg E., Yozzo A., Song Y., Kohn M.H., Nakhleh L. 2015. Interspecific introgressive origin of genomic diversity in the house mouse. PNAS. 112(1), 196-201.

  11. Liu K.J., Dai J., Truong K., Song Y., Kohn M.H., Nakhleh L. 2014. An HMM-Based Comparative Genomic Framework for Detecting Introgression in Eukaryotes. PLoS Comput Biol 10(6): e1003649.

  12. Endepols S., Klemann N., Song Y., Kohn M.H. 2012. Vkorc1 Variation in house mice during warfarin and difenacoum field trials. Pest Manag Sci. 69409-413