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2015年获国际农业研究磋商组织资助赴国际生物多样性中心访问,2018年获留学基金委资助赴美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校整合生物学学院合作研究工作一年。先后主持或参加北京市自然科学基金、国家自然科学基金、公益性行业(农业)科研专项、国家重点研发计划等项目,研究工作以第一作者发表在PNAS, Molecular Ecology, Journal of Insect Physiology等杂志上。目前主要研究方向为我国优势捕食螨天敌资源筛选及捕食螨产业化关键环节的分子生态学研究。


Bo Zhang, Sean P. Leonard, Yiyuan Li, Nancy A. Moran*. (2019) Obligate bacterial endosymbionts limit thermal tolerance of insect host species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (49): 24712-24718.

Jincheng Zheng, Xiongbin Cheng, Ary A Hoffmann, Bo Zhang*, Chun-Sen Ma*. (2017) Are adult life history traits in oriental fruit moth affected by a mild pupal heat stress? Journal of Insect Physiology, 102: 36-41.

Bo Zhang, Fei Zhao, Ary Hoffmann, Gang Ma, Hui-Mei Ding, Chun-Sen Ma*. (2016) Warming accelerates carbohydrate consumption in the diapausing overwintering peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii. Environmental Entomology, 45(5), 1287–1293.

Bo Zhang, Yu Peng, Jincheng Zheng, Lina Liang, Ary A Hoffmann, Chun-Sen Ma*. (2016) Response of heat shock protein genes of the oriental fruit moth under diapause and thermal stress reveals multiple patterns dependent on the nature of stress exposure. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 21(4): 653-663.

Bo Zhang, Owain Edwards, Le Kang*, Susan Fuller. (2014) A multi-genome analysis approach enables tracking of the invasion of a single Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) clone throughout the New World. Molecular Ecology, 23(8): 1940-1951.  

Bo Zhang, Chuan Ma, Owain Edwards, Susan Fuller, Le Kang*. (2014) The mitochondrial genome of the Russian wheat aphid Diuraphis noxia: Large repetitive sequences between trnE and trnF in aphids. Gene, 533(1): 253-260.

Bo Zhang, Owain Edwards, Le Kang*, Susan Fuller. (2012) Russian wheat aphids (Diuraphis noxia) in China: native range expansion or recent introduction? Molecular Ecology, 21(9): 2130–2144.