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实验室以烟草、拟南芥、番茄、大豆、白菜和油菜等为实验材料,主要以世界上危害严重、种类最多的两类植物病毒:双生病毒科病毒和马铃薯Y科病毒为研究对象,开展寄主植物与病毒的互作方面的研究工作。涉及的寄主途径包含DNA修饰、RNA修饰与降解、蛋白质翻译后修饰与降解等。发表论文/著作70余篇,其中以通讯/第一(含共同)作者在著名专业期刊发表论文50余篇(其中15篇影响因子大于10),累计影响因子超450:包括四篇Molecular Plant(IF="27.5)、两篇Nature Communications (IF="16.6)、两篇Journal of Integrative Plant Biology(IF="11.4)、一篇Plant Biotechnology Journal(IF="13.8)、四篇New Phytologist(IF="9.4)等。研究成果获“海燕策略研究中心官网科学技术成果奖”1项(第一完成人)、获国家发明专利授权17项(均为第一完成人)。

先后主持国家高层次人才项目、国家重点研发青年科学家项目、国家自然科学基金国际合作重点与面上项目等项目8项,参与国家科技部973计划课题、国家自然科学基金重大/重点项目、加拿大农业部与加拿大自然科学与工程研究委员会资助的多项课题。2018年入选海燕策略研究中心官网‘青年英才计划引进工程’;2019年入选‘国家海外高层次引进人才’;2020年入选“海燕策略研究中心官网巾帼建功标兵”;2021年入选农业农村部“农业科研杰出人才”培养计划,2022年荣获“第21届全国青年岗位能手标兵”;2023年荣获“第18届中国青年女科学家奖”等奖励与荣誉。兼任New Plant Protection执行主编、Frontiers in Microbiology与MPMI期刊的Associate Editor、中国植物病理学报副主编、Frontiers in Plant Science等期刊的Review Editor等。 

邮箱:  Elva1988@163.com


(1) Linhao Ge, Xueping Zhou, Fangfang Li*. Plant-virus arms race beyond RNA interference. Trends in Plant Science, 2024, 29(1):16-19. (通讯,IF 20.5,Q1)

(2) Hao Li#, Pan Gong#, Xiongbiao Xu, Xueping Zhou*, Fangfang* Li. Knock-out of the virus replication-related genes UbEF1B and CCR4/NOT3 by CRISPR/Cas9 confers high-efficiency and broad-spectrum resistance to geminiviruses in Nicotiana benthamiana. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2024, 22(4):793-795. (通讯,IF 13.8,Q1)

(3) Jie Liu#, Pan Gong#, Ruobin Lu#, Rosa Lozano-Durán, Xueping Zhou*, Fangfang Li*. Chloroplast immunity: A cornerstone of plant defense. Molecular Plant, 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2024.03.012. (通讯,IF 27.5,Q1)

(4) Pan Gong#, Qingtang Shen#, Mingzhen Zhang#, Rui Qiao, Jing Jiang, Lili Su, Siwen Zhao, Shuai Fu, Yu Ma, Linhao Ge, Yaqin Wang, Rosa Lozano-Durán, Aiming Wang, Fangfang Li*, Xueping Zhou* Plant and animal positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses encode small proteins important for viral infection in their negative-sense strand. Molecular Plant, 2023, 16(11), 1794-1810. (通讯,IF 27.5,Q1)

(5) Hao He, Linhao Ge, Yalin Chen, Siwen Zhao, Zhaolei Li, Xueping Zhou*, Fangfang Li*.m6A modification of plant virus enables host recognition by NMD factors in plants. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 2023. (通讯,IF 9.1,Q1)

(6) Siwen Zhao#, Pan Gong#, Hui Liu, Xueping Zhou*, Fangfang Li*. Geminivirus C5 proteins mediate formation of virus complexes at plasmodesmata for viral intercellular movement. Plant Physiology, 2023, 193(1):322-338. (通讯,IF 7.4,Q1)

(7) Linhao Ge, Buwei Cao, Rui Qiao, Hongguang Cui, Shaofang Li, Hongying Shan, Pan Gong, Mingzhen Zhang, Hao Li, Aiming Wang, Xueping Zhou*, Fangfang Li*. SUMOylation-modified Pelota-Hbs1 RNA surveillance complex restricts the infection of potyvirids in plants. Molecular plant, 2023, 16(3):632-642. (通讯,IF 27.5,Q1)

(8) Buwei Cao, Linhao Ge, Mingzhen Zhang, Fangfang Li*, Xueping Zhou*. Geminiviral C2 proteins inhibit active autophagy to facilitate virus infection by impairing the interaction of ATG7 and ATG8. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2023, 65(5):1328-1343. (通讯,IF 11.4,Q1)

(9) Mingzhen Zhang#, Buwei Cao#, Hui Zhang, Zaifeng Fan, Xueping Zhou*, Fangfang Li*. Geminivirus satellite-encoded βC1 activates UPR and induces bZIP60 nuclear export to benefit virus infection. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 2023, 66(6):1408-1425. (通讯,IF 9.1,Q1)

(10) Fangfang Li#, Linhao Ge#, Rosa Lozano-Durán, Xueping Zhou*. Antiviral RNAi drives host adaptation to viral infection. Trends in Microbiology, 2022, 30(10):915-917. (第一,IF 15.9,Q1)

(11) Fangfang Li#, Rui Qiao#; Zhanqi Wang; Xiuling Yang, Xueping Zhou*. Occurrence and distribution of geminiviruses in China. Science China Life Sciences, 2022, 65(8):1498-1503. (第一,IF 9.1,Q1)

(12) Yushuang Guo, Meng-ao Jia, Shaofang Li*, Fangfang Li*. Geminiviruses boost active DNA demethylation for counter-defense. Trends in Microbiology, 2022, 30(12):1121-1124. (通讯,IF 15.9,Q1)

(13) Pan Gong, Siwen Zhao, Hui Liu, Zhaoyang Chang, Fangfang Li*, Xueping Zhou*. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus V3 protein traffics along microfilaments to plasmodesmata to promote virus cell-to-cell movement. Science China-Life Sciences, 2022, 65(5):1046-1049. (通讯,IF 9.1,Q1)

(14) Pan Gong#, Huang Tan#, Siwen Zhao, Hao Li, Hui Liu, Yu Ma, Xi Zhang, Junjie Rong, Xing Fu, Rosa Lozano-Durán*, Fangfang Li*, Xueping Zhou*. Geminiviruses encode additional small proteins with specific subcellular localizations and virulence function. Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1):4278. (通讯,IF 16.6,Q1)

(15) Mingzhen Zhang, Pan Gong, Linhao Ge, Zhaoyang Chang, Xiaofei Cheng, Xueping Zhou, Aiming Wang, Fangfang Li*. Nuclear exportin 1 facilitates turnip mosaic virus infection by exporting the sumoylated viral replicase and by repressing plant immunity. New Phytologist, 2021, 232(3):1382-1398. (通讯,IF 9.4,Q1)

(16) Fangfang Li*, Mingzhen Zhang, Changwei Zhang, Xueping Zhou. Nuclear autophagy degrades a geminivirus nuclear protein to restrict viral infection in Solanaceous plants. New Phytologist, 2020, 225(4): 1746-1761. (第一兼通讯,IF 9.4,Q1)

(17) Fangfang Li#, Changwei Zhang#, Ziwei Tang, Lingrui Zhang, Zhaoji Dai, Shanwu Lyu, Yinzi Li, Xilin Hou, Mark Bernards, Aiming Wang*. A plant RNA virus activates selective autophagy in a UPR-dependent manner to promote virus infection. New Phytologist, 2020, 228(2):622-639. (第一作者,IF 9.4,Q1)

(18) Fangfang Li, Aiming Wang*. RNA-targeted antiviral immunity: more than just RNA silencing. Trends in Microbiology, 2019, 27(9):792-805. (第一,IF 15.9,Q1)

(19) Fangfang Li, Wende Liu, Xueping Zhou*. Pivoting plant immunity from theory to the field. Science China-Life Sciences, 2019, 62(11):1539-1542. (第一,IF 9.1,Q1)

(20)  Fangfang Li, Changwei Zhang, Yinzi Li, Guanwei Wu, Xilin Hou, Xueping Zhou, Aiming Wang*. Beclin1 restricts RNA virus infection in plants through suppression and degradation of the viral polymerase. Nature Communications, 2018, 9(1):1268. (第一,IF 16.6,Q1)