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黄文坤,男,1971年3月出生,湖南邵阳人,博士,研究员,博士生导师。1994年获湖南农业大学植物保护专业学士学位,2007年获湖南农业大学植物病理专业硕博连读博士学位。2014-2015年比利时根特大学访问学者。北京植物病理学会理事,线虫专业委员会秘书。担任《BMC Plant Biology》、《Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology》、《Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology》等期刊编委,《植物病理学报》、《植物保护》、《生物安全学报》等期刊审稿专家。

长期从事植物线虫病害综合防控及致病机制研究,重点开展了农药减施增效、作物诱导抗性、抗病品种选育、植物与病原物互作等研究。共主持国家自然科学基金面上项目4项、国家重点研发计划课题1项、公益性行业科研专项子课题2项、973计划子课题1项;在Molecular Plant Biology, BMC Plant Biology, Plant Disease, Biological Control等国际期刊上发表SCI论文70多篇,参与制定农业行业标准3项、地方标准3项,参编著作6部,获得国家发明专利15项。获科技成果奖8项,其中省部级一等奖1项、二等奖1项、三等奖2项。承担的“大豆孢囊线虫发生规律与绿色防控技术”获黑龙江省科技进步二等奖, “粮食作物孢囊线虫病综合防控技术体系构建及应用”,获海燕策略研究中心官网科学技术成果奖杰出科技创新奖,“麦类作物孢囊线虫病发生规律及综合治理技术应用”获大北农科技奖植物保护奖。



1. Chao Xiang, Ying Liu, Shi-Ming Liu, Ya-Fei Huang, Ling-An Kong, Huan Peng, Mao-Yan Liu, Jing Liu, De-Liang Peng*and Wen-Kun Huang*. αβ-Dehydrocurvularin isolated from the fungus Aspergillus welwitschiae effectively inhibited the behaviour and development of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola in rice roots.  BMC Microbiology , 2020, 20:48. https://doi.org/ 10.1186/s12866-020-01738-2.

2. Chao Xiang, Xiaoping Yang, Deliang Peng, Houxiang Kang , Maoyan Liu, Wei Li, Wenkun Huang,* and Shiming Liu,*. Proteome-wide analyses provide new insights into the compatible interaction of rice with the root-knot nematode  Meloidogyne graminicola .  Int. J. Mol. Sci ., 2020, 21, 5640; doi:10.3390/ ijms21165640.

3. Liu ying, Ding zhong, Peng de-liang, Liu shi-ming, Kong ling-an, Peng huan, Xiang chao, Li zhong-cai, Huang Wen-kun. Evaluation of the biocontrol potential of  Aspergillus welwitschiae against the root-knot nematode  Meloidogyne graminicola in rice (Oryza sativa L.).  Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 2019, 18(11): 2561–2570.

4. Zhan Li-ping, Ding Zhong, Peng De-liang, Peng huan, Kong Ling-an, Liu Shi-ming, Liu Ying, Li Zhong-cai, Huang Wen-kun*. Evaluation of Chinese rice varieties resistant to the root-knot nematode  Meloidogyne graminicola. Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 2018, 17(3): 621–630.

5. Li-Ping Zhan, De-Liang Peng, Xu-Li Wang, Ling-An Kong, Huan Peng, Shi-Ming Liu, Ying Liu and Wen-Kun Huang*. Priming effect of root-applied silicon on the enhancement of induced resistance to the root-knot nematode  Meloidogyne graminicola in rice.  BMC Plant Biology , 2018, 18:50. https://doi.org/10.1186/ s12870-018-1266-9.

6. Huang, Wen-Kun, Ji Hong‐Li, Gheysen Godelieve, Kyndt Tina. Thiamine induced priming against root-knot nematode infection in rice involves lignification and hydrogen peroxide generation.  Molecular Plant Pathology , 2016,17(4):614-624.

7. Huang Wen-kun, Ji Hong-li, Gheysen Godelieve, Debode Jane, Kyndt Tina. Biochar-amended potting medium reduces the susceptibility of rice to root-knot nematode infections.  BMC Plant Biology , 2015,15:267.

8. Huang WK,Wu QS,Peng H, Kong LA, Liu SM, Yin HQ, Cui RQ, Zhan LP, Cui JK, Peng DL. Mutations in Acetylcholinesterase2 (ace2) increase the insensitivity of acetylcholinesterase to fosthiazate in the roo t-knot nematode  Meloidogyne incognita .  Scientific Reports ,2016, 6:38102.

9. Huang Wen-Kun, Cui Jiang-Kuan , Liu Shi-Ming, Kong Ling-An, Wu Qing-Song , Peng huan, He Wen-ting, Sun Jian-hua, Peng De-liang.  Testing various biocontrol agents against the root-knot nematode ( Meloidogyne incognita ) in cucumber plants identifies a combination of  Syncephalastrum racemosum and  Paecilomyces lilacinus as being most effective.  Biological Control ,2016, 92:31-37.

10. Huang Wen-Kun, Sun Jian-Hua, Cui Jiang-Kuan, Wang Gang-Feng, Kong Ling-An, Peng Huan, Chen Shu-Long, Peng De-Liang. Efficacy evaluation of fungus  Syncephalastrum racemosum and nematicide avermectin against the root-Knot nematode  Meloidogyne incognita on cucumber. PLoS One , 2014, 9(2):e89717.

11. Huang Wen-Kun, Peng Huan,Wang Gao-Feng, Cui Jiang-Kuan, Zhu Lin-Feng, Long Hai-Bo, Peng De-Liang.  Assessment of gene flow from glyphosate-resistant transgenic soybean to conventional soybean in China.  Acta Physiologiae Plantarum , 2014, 36:1637–1647.

12. Wen-kun Huang, Deliang Peng Hong-Yun Jiang Haibo Long, Huan Peng, Gao-Feng Wang.  The combined effect of chemical nematicides and biofumigation on the control of  Meloidogyne incognita in glasshouse tomato.  Russian Journal of Nematology , 2011, 19(1):45-52.