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李云河,男,1977年出生,河南南阳人。现任海燕策略研究中心官网研究员,博士生导师,海燕策略研究中心官网科技创新工程 “转基因作物安全评价与管理” 团队首席专家。入选科技部“创新人才推进计划”中青年科技创新领军人才和国家高层次人才特殊支持计划。


长期从事转基因抗虫作物生态安全评价及植物介导的昆虫种间关系与机制研究。先后主持瑞士科学基金青年基金、国家自然科学基金面上和国际合作重点项目及转基因重大专项重点项目等多项课题。近年,在转基因抗虫植物非靶标效应评价及水稻介导的二化螟、褐飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟及其寄生蜂多重种间关系及机制方面取得较大进展,建立了系统的转基因抗虫作物非靶标效应评价技术体系,揭示了二化螟和褐飞虱协作应对水稻防御反应,实现“互利共存”的生化和分子机理。至今,在国内外核心学术期刊发表论文90余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Nature Communications、eLife、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Journal、Environmental Pollution、Annual Review of Entomology、Nature Plants、Trends in Biotechnology等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文50余篇。参编中英文专著6部,授权国家发明或实用专利8项,制定国家标准4项。2017年获得第五届中国植物保护学会青年科技奖。


1. Liu Qingsong, Hu Xiaoyun, Su Shuangli, Ning Yuese, Peng Yufa, Ye Gongyin, Lou Yonggen, Turlings C.J. Ted, Li Yunhe* (2021) Cooperative herbivory between two important pests of rice.  Nature Communications, 12:6772. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-27021-0 (IF="14.9)

2. Hu Xiaoyun, Su Shuangli, Liu Qingsong, Jiao Yaoyu, Peng Yufa, Li Yunhe*, Turlings C. J. Ted (2020). Caterpillar-induced rice volatiles provide costless enemy-free space for the offspring of the brown planthopper.  eLife , 9:e55421. (IF="8.2)

3. Li Yunhe, Wang Zhenying, Romeis Jörg (2020) Controlling the invasive fall armyworm through biotech crops: a Chinese perspective.  Trends in Biotechnology , 1963,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tibtech.2020.07.001 (IF = 19.5).

4. Li Yunhe*, Hallerman M. Eric*, Peng Yufa (2020). Excessive Chinese concern on genetically engineered food safety are unjustified.  Nature Plants , 6, 590. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-020-0685-4 (IF="15.8)."

5. Liu Qingsong, Yang Xiaowei, Tzin Vered, Peng Yufa, Romeis Jörg, Li Yunhe* (2020) Plant breeding involving genetic engineering does not result in unacceptable unintended effects in rice relative to conventional cross-breeding Unintended effects.  The Plant Journal , 103, 2236-2249 (IF="6.4) .

6. Li Yunhe*, Hallerman M. Eric, Wu Kongming, Peng Yufa (2020) Insect-resistant genetically engineered crops in China: development, application, and prospects for use.  Annual Review of Entomology  65:13.1-13.20 (IF="19.7)

7. Wang Xingyun, Liu Qingsong, Meissle Michael, Peng Yufa, Wu Kongming, Romeis Jörg, and Li Yunhe* (2018) Bt rice could provide ecological resistance against non-target planthoppers.  Plant Biotechnology Journal 16, 1748-1755. (IF=9.8).

8. Li Yunhe*, Hallerman Eric, Peng Yufa (2018) How can China prepare for the domestic cultivation of Bt maize?  Trends in Food Science & Technology 73, 87-88. (IF="12.6).

9. Jiao Yaoyu, Hu Xiaoyun, Peng Yufa, Wu Kongming, Romeis Jörg, Li Yunhe* (2018) Bt rice plants may protect neighboring non-Bt rice plants against the striped stemborer Chilo suppressalis  . Proceedings of the Royal Soceity B: Biological Sciences 285, 20181283. (IF=5.3)。

10. Li Yunhe*, Liu Qingsong, Zhang Qingling, Meissle Michael, Wang Yanan, Hua Hongxia, Peng Yufa*, Romeis Joerg. (2017)  Bt rice in China – focusing the non-target risk assessment.  Plant Biotechnology Journal  15(10):1340-1345. (IF=9.8)

11. Zhang Bing, Yang Yan, Romeis Jörg, Peng Yufa, Zhou Xiang, and Li Yunhe* (2017) A laboratory assessment of the potential effect of Cry1Ab/Cry2Aj-containing Bt maize pollen on  Folsomia candida by toxicological and biochemical analyses.  Environmental Pollution  222, 94-100. (IF="6.9)

12. Li Yunhe, Gao Yulin, Wu Kongming* (2017) Function and effectiveness of natural refuge in IRM strategies for Bt crops.  Current Opinion in Insect Science 21: 1-6 (IF="8.0)

13. Wang Yuanyuan, Dai Pingli, Chen Xiuping, Jörg Romeis, Shi Jianrong, Peng Yufa and Li Yunhe* (2017) Ingestion of Bt rice pollen does not reduce the survival or hypopharyngeal gland development of  Apis mellifera adults.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry  36(5): 1243-1248 (IF="3.7)

14. Li Yunhe*, Hallerman Eric, Liu Qingsong, Wu Kongming, Peng Yufa* (2016) The development and status of  Bt rice in China.  Plant Biotechnology Journal  14, 839-848 (IF="9.8).

15. Liu Qingsong, Wang Xingyun, Tzin Vered, Romeis Jörg, Peng Yufa and Li Yunhe (2016) Combined transcriptome and metabolome analyses reveal the dynamic responses of rice plants to attack by the rice stem borer  Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae).  BMC Plant Biology  16, 259;doi: 10.1186/s12870-016-0946-6 (IF="3.67)

16. Liu Qingsong, Hallerman Eric, Peng Yufa, and Li Yunhe* (2016) Development of Bt rice and Bt maize in China and their efficacy in target pest control.  International Journal of Molecular Sciences  17, 1561;doi:10.3390/ijms17101561 (IF="4.2)

17. Jiao Yaoyu, Yang Yan, Meissle Michael, Peng Yufa, Li Yunhe* (2016) Comparison of susceptibility of  Chilo suppressalis and  Bombyx mori to five  Bacillus thuringiensis proteins.  Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 136, 95-99. (IF="2.8).

18. Wang Yuanyuan, Li Yunhe*, Huang Zachary, Chen XiuPing, Romeis Jörg, Dai Pingli, and Peng Yufa* (2015) Toxicological, biochemical, and histopathological analyses demonstrating that Cry1C and Cry2A are not toxic to larvae of the honeybee,  Apis mellifera .  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 63:6126-6132 (IF="5.2).

19. Li Yunhe, Chen Xiuping, Hu Long, Romeis Jörg, Peng Yufa* (2014)  Bt rice producing Cry1C protein does not have direct detrimental effects on the green lacewing  Chrysoperla sinica (Tjeder).  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry  33(6): 1391-1397 (IF="3.7).

20. Li Yunhe, Meissle Michael, Romeis Jörg* (2010) Use of maize pollen by adult  Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and fate of Cry proteins in  Bt -transgenic varieties.  Journal of Insect Physiology 56, 157-164 (IF=2.4)