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社会兼职有:联合国环境规划署溴甲烷技术选择委员会委员、第八届和第九届国际土壤消毒大会科学委员会委员、中国农业生态环境保护协会土壤消毒分会理事长、农业农村部农药管理专家指导组成员、无公害农产品认证评审委员会委员、生态环境部化学物质环境管理专家评审委员会委员、国家检疫处理与装备工程技术研究中心专家咨询委员会委员、海燕策略研究中心官网研究生院教学指导委员会委员、海燕策略研究中心官网专业学位委员会委员、北京现代农业创新团队病虫害防治岗位专家、《农药学学报》、《植物保护学报》、《作物杂志》编委,ACS Publications特邀审稿人。



1. Huang B, Yan D, Wang X, Fang W, Zhang D, Ouyang C, Wang Q, Cao A*. Soil fumigation alters adsorption and degradation behavior of pesticides in soil. Environmental Pollution 246 (2019) 264e273

2. Han D. Yan D. Wang Q*. Fang W. Wang X. Li J. Wang D. Li Y. Ouyang C. Cao A*. 2018. Effects of soil type, temperature, moisture, application dose, fertilizer, and organic amendments on chemical properties and biodegradation of dimethyl disulfide in soil. Land Degradation & Development.2018:1–9.DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3177

3. Fang W, Yan D*, Wang Q, Huang B, Ren Z, Wang X, Wang X, Li Y, Ouyang C, Migheli Q, Cao A*. Changes in the abundance and community composition of different nitrogen cycling groups in response to fumigation with 1, 3-dichloropropene. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 650: 44-55. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.432

4. Fang W, Wang Q*, Yan D, Huang B, Ren Z, Wang Q, Song Z, Liu X, Li Y, Ouyang C, Cao A*. Environmental Factors and Soil Amendment Affect the Decomposition Rate of Dazomet Fumigant. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2018 47: 5: 1223-1231, doi:10.2134/jeq2018.01.0003

5. Fang W, Yan D, Wang X, Huang B, Wang X, Liu J, Liu X, Li Y, Ouyang C, Wang Q*, Cao A*. Responses of Nitrogen-Cycling Microorganisms to Dazomet Fumigation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9: 2529. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02529

6. Fang, W., Yan, D., Wang, X., Huang, B., Song, Z., Liu, J., Liu X, Wang Q, Li Y, Ouyang C, Cao A*. Evidences of N2O emissions in chloropicrin-fumigated soil. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2018, 66, 11580−11591

7. Wang, X.; Fang, W.; Yan, D.; Han, D.; Liu, J.; Ren, Z.; Ouyang, C.; Li, Y.; Wang, Q.; Cao, A. *, Evaluation of the influence of temperature and relative humidity on the permeability of four films to the fumigant dimethyl disulfide. Journal of environmental management 2019, 236, 687-694.

8.Wang, X.; Fang, W.; Yan, D.; Han, D.; Huang, B.; Ren, Z.; Liu, J.; Cao, A. *; Wang, Q., Effect of films on dimethyl disulfide emissions, vertical distribution in soil and residues remaining after fumigation. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 2018, 163 (undefined), 76-83.

9. Yan D, Wang Q, Li Y, Ouyang C, Guo M, Cao A*, Effects of fumigation on mineral nitrogen dynamics in soil profiles from tomato greenhouse. Acta horticulturae, 2018, 1192:47-56

10. Li, J., Huang, B., Wang, Q., Li, Y., Fang, W., Han, D., Yan, D., Guo, M., Cao, A*., 2017a. Effects of fumigation with metam-sodium on soil microbial biomass, respiration, nitrogen transformation, bacterial community diversity and genes encoding key enzymes involved in nitrogen cycling. Science of The Total Environment 598, 1027-1036.

11. Li, J., Huang, B., Wang, Q., Li, Y., Fang, W., Yan, D., Guo, M., Cao, A*., 2017b. Effect of fumigation with chloropicrin on soil bacterial communities and genes encoding key enzymes involved in nitrogen cycling. Environmental Pollution 227, 534-542.

12. Yan, D., Wang, Q., Li, Y., Ouyang, C., Guo, M., Cao, A*., 2017b. Analysis of the inhibitory effects of chloropicrin fumigation on nitrification in various soil types. Chemosphere 175, 459-464.

13. Fang, W., Cao, A*., Yan, D., Han, D., Li, J., Liu, X., Li, Y., Ouyang, C., Wang, Q., 2017. Effect of environmental conditions on the permeability of low density polyethylene film and totally impermeable film to methyl isothiocyanate fumigant. Science of The Total Environment 599, 1-8.

14. Han, D., Yan, D., Cao, A*., Fang, W., Liu, P., Li, Y., Ouyang, C., Wang, Q., 2017. Degradation of dimethyl disulphide in soil with or without biochar amendment. Pest Management Science.

15. Fang, W., Cao, A*., Yan, D., Han, D., Huang, B., Li, J., Liu, X., Guo, M., Wang, Q., 2016a. The effect of two types of biochars on the efficacy, emission, degradation, and adsorption of the fumigant methyl isothiocyanate. Energies 10, 16.

16. Fang, W., Wang, Q., Han, D., Liu, P., Huang, B., Yan, D., Ouyang, C., Li, Y., Cao, A*., 2016b. The effects and mode of action of biochar on the degradation of methyl isothiocyanate in soil. Science of The Total Environment 565, 339-345.

17. Huang, B., Li, J., Fang, W., Liu, P., Guo, M., Yan, D., Wang, Q., Cao, A*., 2016. Effect of soil fumigation on degradation of pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen in laboratory and ginger field studies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64, 8710-8721.

18. Liu, P., Wang, Q., Yan, D., Fang, W., Mao, L., Wang, D., Li, Y., Ouyang, C., Guo, M., Cao, A*., 2016. Effects of biochar amendment on chloropicrin adsorption and degradation in soil. Energies 9, 869.

19. Mao, L., Jiang, H., Wang, Q., Yan, D., Cao, A*., 2017. Efficacy of soil fumigation with dazomet for controlling ginger bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) in China. Crop Protection 100, 111-116.

20. Wang, Q., Fang, W., Yan, D., Han, D., Li, Y., Ouyang, C., Guo, M., Cao, A*., 2016. The effects of biochar amendment on dimethyl disulfide emission and efficacy against soil-borne pests. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227, 98.