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董丰收,男,河南沁阳人,现任海燕策略研究中心官网农药研究室主任,研究员,博士生导师,入选科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,国家重点研发首席科学家,中国植物保护学会农药残留与环境安全专业委员会秘书长, 第二届国家农药残留标准评审委员会委员。

1997年毕业于河南农业大学获农学学士学位,2001年毕业于海燕策略研究中心官网研究生院获农学硕士学位,2008年毕业于中国农业大学获理学博士学位,2016-2017年在美国加州大学河滨分校访问学者。一直从事农药应用风险评估与控制研究,在创新农药分析方法、环境归趋特征及国家标准研究方面取得重要进展,利用基质固相分散净化反相手性色谱串联质谱、APGC-Qtof、UPCC-MS 等新技术,成功研发了系列手性农药多残留分析新方法。创建了手性农药安全评价新体系,成功识别了苯醚甲环唑等三唑类和呋虫胺等新烟碱类农药对映体隐性风险,揭示了其迁移代谢特征和风险形成机制,为高效低风险农药创制及风险管理提供了理论基础和技术支撑。制定了40项农药最大残留限量标准,为进出口贸易及食品安全监管提供了仲裁标准。主持国家重点研发专项1项,国家基金面上项目4项,973子课题1项,在国内外学术期刊上发表第一或通讯作者SCI收录论文40余篇,主(参)编著作4 部。获2016年国家科技进步二等奖1项(第三完成人),中华农业科技奖一等奖1项(第三)。2017年获中国植物保护学会第五届青年科技奖。2015年和2017年中国农科院优秀硕士论文指导教师。


Email: fsdong@ippcaas.cn

Tel: 010-62815938



1、Tao Y, Phung D, Dong FS*, Xu J, Liu XG, Wu XH, Liu QY, He M, Pan XL, Li RN,Zheng YQ*. Urinary monitoring of neonicotinoid imidacloprid exposure to pesticide applicators. Science of the Total Environment 2019;669:721-728


2、Li RN, Chen ZL, Tao Y, Pan XL, Jiang DD, Dong FS*, Xu J, Liu XG, Wu XH, Zheng YQ. Determination of Valifenalate in Grape, Vegetables, and Soil Using Ultrahigh Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Exploration of Its Degradation Behavior in Grape Field. Food Analytical Methods 2019;12(3):742-751.


3、Cheng ZP, Zhang XZ, Geng X, Organtini KL, Dong FS*, Xu J, Liu XG, Wu XH, Zheng YQ. A target screening method for detection of organic pollutants in fruits and vegetables by atmospheric pressure gas chromatography quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry combined with informatics platform. 2018


4、Tao Y, Zheng ZT, Yu Y, Xu J, Liu XG, Wu XH, Dong FS*Zheng YQ*. Supercritical fluid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry-assisted methodology for rapid enantiomeric analysis of fenbuconazole and its chiral metabolites in fruits, vegetables, cereals, and soil.


5、Jiang DD, Duan LF, Li RN, Pan XL, Tao Y, Wu XH, Xu J, Liu XG, Dong FS*Zheng YQ. Evaluation of the safe application of copper nonylphenolsulfonate and hexaconazole in wax gourd under field conditions.


6、Li RN, Chen ZL, Dong FS*, Xu J, Liu XG, Wu XH, Pan XL, Tao Y, Zheng YQ. Supercritical fluid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometry method for monitoring dissipation of thiacloprid in greenhouse vegetables and soil under different application modes. J Chromatography B 2018, 1081-1082, 25-32.


7、Pan X, Dong FS*, Liu N, Cheng Y, Xu J, Liu X, Wu X, Chen Z, Zheng YQ*. The fate and enantioselective behavior of zoxamide during wine-making process. Food Chemistry 2018,248:14-20


8、Li RN, Dong FS*, Xu J, Liu XG, Wu XH, Pan XL, Tao Y, Chen ZL, Zheng YQ. Enantioseparation of Imazalil and Monitoring of Its Enantioselective Degradation in Apples and Soils Using Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2017;65(16):3260-3268


9、Cheng ZP, Dong FS*, Xu J, Liu XG, Wu XH, Chen ZL, Pan XL, Gan J, Zheng YQ. Simultaneous determination of organophosphorus pesticides in fruits and vegetables using atmospheric pressure gas chromatography quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry 2017;231:365-373.


10、Chen XX, Dong FS*, Xu J, Liu XG, Wu XH, Zheng YQ. Effective Monitoring of Fluxapyroxad and Its Three Biologically Active Metabolites in Vegetables, Fruits, and Cereals by Optimized QuEChERS Treatment Based on UPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016;64(46):8935-8943.


11、Cheng ZP, Dong FS *, Xu J, Liu XG, Wu XH, Chen ZL, Pan XL, Zheng YQ. Atmospheric pressure gas chromatography quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of fifteen organochlorine pesticides in soil and water. Journal of Chromatography A2016, 1435, 115-124.


12、Chen XX, Dong FS*, Xu J, Liu XG, Chen ZL, Liu N, Zheng YQ. Enantioseparation and determination of isofenphos-methyl enantiomers in wheat, corn, peanut and soil with Supercritical fluid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometric method. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 2016;1015:13-21.


13、Chen X, Dong FS*, Xu J, Liu XG, Wang YH, Zheng YQ*. Enantioselective Degradation of Chiral Insecticide Dinotefuran in Greenhouse Cucumber and Soil. Chirality 2015;27(2):137-141.


14、Tao Y, Dong FS*, Xu J, Liu XG, Cheng YP, Liu N, Chen Z, Zheng YQ*. Green and sensitive supercritical fluid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric method for the separation and determination of flutriafol enantiomers in vegetables, fruits, and soil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2014;62(47):11457-64.


15、Tao Y, Xu J, Liu X, Dong FS*, Zheng YQ*. A quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe method for the simultaneous detection of four triazolone herbicides in cereals combined with ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science 2014;37(17):2340-8.


16、Chen XX, Xu J, Liu XG, Tao Y, Pan XL, Zheng YQ*, Dong FS*. Simultaneous determination of trifloxystrobin and trifloxystrobin acid residue in rice and soil by a modified quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe method using ultra high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science 2014;37(13):1640-1647.


17、Chen ZL, Dong FS*, Xu J, Liu XG, Cheng YP, Liu N, Tao Y, Pan XL, Zheng YQ*. Stereoselective separation and pharmacokinetic dissipation of the chiral neonicotinoid sulfoxaflor in soil by ultraperformance convergence chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry2014;406(26):6677-6690.


18、Dong FS, Li J(first co-author), Chankvetadze B, Cheng YP, Xu J, Liu XG, Li YB, Chen X, Bertucci C, Tedesco D, Zheng YQ*. Chiral triazole fungicide difenoconazole: absolute stereochemistry, stereoselective bioactivity, aquatic toxicity, and environmental behavior in vegetables and soil. Environmental Science & Technology 2013;47(7):3386-3394.


19、Dong FS, Chen X, Xu J, Liu XG, Chen ZL, Li YB, Zhang HJ, Zheng YQ*. Enantioseparation and Determination of the Chiral Fungicide Furametpyr Enantiomers in Rice, Soil, and Water by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Chirality 2013;25(12):904-909


20、Dong FS, Chen X, Liu XG, Xu J, Li YB, Shan WL, Zheng YQ*. Simultaneous determination of five pyrazole fungicides in cereals, vegetables and fruits using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 2012;1262:98-106.


21、Dong FS, Cheng L, Liu XG, Xu J, Li J, Li YB, Kong ZQ, Jian Q, Zheng YQ*. Enantioselective Analysis of Triazole Fungicide Myclobutanil in Cucumber and Soil under Different Application Modes by Chiral Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2012;60(8):1929-1936.


22、Li YB, Dong FS(first co-author, Liu XG, Xu J, Li J, Kong ZQ, Chen X, Zheng YQ. Environmental Behavior of the Chiral Triazole Fungicide Fenbuconazole and Its Chiral Metabolites: Enantioselective Transformation and Degradation in Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 2012;46(5):2675-2683.


23、Dong FS, Liu XG, Xu J, Li J, Li YB, Shan WL, Song WC, Zheng YQ*. Determination of cyantraniliprole and its major metabolite residues in vegetable and soil using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Biomedical Chromatography 2012;26(3):377-383.


24、Dong FS, Xu J, Liu XG, Li J, Li YB, Kong ZQ, Shan WL, Zheng ZT, Zheng YQ*. Determination of Chlorantraniliprole Residues in Corn and Soil by UPLC-ESI-MS/MS and Its Application to a Pharmacokinetic Study. Chromatographia 2011;74(5-6):399-406.


25、Li J, Dong FS(first co-author), Xu J, Liu XG, Li YB, Shan WL, Zheng YQ. Enantioselective determination of triazole fungicide simeconazole in vegetables, fruits, and cereals using modified QuEChERS (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe) coupled to gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta 2011;702(1):127-135.


26、Dong FS, Liu XG, Li J, Cheng L, Zhang CP, Jing-Jingan, Zheng YQ*. Determination of 4-Chloro-2-Methylphenoxyacetic Acid Residues in Wheat and Soil by Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Aoac International 2010;93(3):1013-1019.


27、Dong FS, Liu XG, Zheng YQ*, Cao Q, Li CJ. Stereoselective Degradation of Fungicide Triadimenol in Cucumber Plants. Chirality 2010;22(2):292-298.


28、Dong FS, Liu XG, Cheng L, Chen WY, Li J, Qin DM, Zheng YQ*. Determination of metaflumizone residues in cabbage and soil using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/ESI-MS/MS. Journal of Separation Science 2009;32(21):3692-3697.


29、Dong FS, Liu XG, Zheng YQ, Li J, Zhang WG, Zhang XZ, Li CJ. Determination of Pentachloronitrobenzene and Its Metabolites in Ginseng by Gas Chromatography-Ion Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2008;36(12):1716-1720.