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李世访,山东省诸城市人,海燕策略研究中心官网3级研究员,博士生导师,中共党员。分别于1990和1993年获得日本北海道大学硕士和博士学位。博士毕业后在日本东京大学等单位从事7年博士后研究,于2000年3月到海燕策略研究中心官网工作至今。从事植物病毒、类病毒检测鉴定、种群结构及序列多样性分析、类病毒与寄主互作、转基因番木瓜的安全性评价和核果类果树根瘤(癌)病的生物防控技术等研究工作。曾经任植物病虫害生物学国家重点是实验室副主任、海燕策略研究中心官网植物病害研究室副主任,中国植物病理学会理事,北京植物病理学会常务理事。现任国际病毒分类委员会(International Committee for Taxonomy of Viruses, ICTV)类病毒小组(Viroid study group)委员, 国际果树病毒及嫁接传播性病害学会(International Council for the Study of Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops, ICVF)科学委员会成员, Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology编委,Virology Journal, 副主编。 长期担任Virology,Journal of General Virology,Journal of Virology, Phytopathology, PLOS One,Archives of Virology,Virus Research,Journal of Plant Pathology等10多个病毒学及植物病理学杂志的审稿人,长期担任国家自然科学基金评审专家。分别于2013和2018年成功组织召开了类病毒及卫星RNA国际研讨会和第八届全国果树病虫害防治技术交流会。2020年获得重庆市科技进步一等奖。主持国家自然科学基金10项,主持政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项“中欧果树苗木无病毒化研究”(2017-2021),现任国家桃产业技术体系病害岗位科学家,农业部植物保护专家指导组成员(2018-2023)。


邮箱:sfli@ippcaas.cn or lishifang2003@aliyun.com


1) Li Shuai, Wu Zhigang, Zhou Ying, Dong Zhenfei, FeiXuan, Li Shifang*. Changes in metabolism modulate induced by viroid infection in the orchid Dendrobium officinale.  Virus Research , 308: 198626. (2022)

2) Xing Fei, Gao Dehang, Habili Nuredin, Wang Hongqing, Zhang Zhixiang, Cao Mengji*, Li Shifang*. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel carlavirus infecting rose plants ( Rosa chinensis Jacq.).  Archives of Virology , 166: 3499-3502. (2021)

3) Zhou Jun, Xing Fei, Wang Hongqing, Li Shifang*. Occurrence, distribution and genomic characteristics of plum pox virus isolates from common apricot ( Prunus armeniaca ) and Japanese apricot ( Prunus mume ) trees in China.  Plant Disease , doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-20-1936-RE. (2021)

4) Sun Shaoshuang, Ren Yanxiang, Wang Dongxue, Farooq Tahir, He Zifu, Zhang Chao, Li Shifang, Yang Xiuling*, Zhou Xueping*. A group I WRKY transcription factor regulates mulberry mosaic dwarf-associated virus-triggered cell death in  Nicotiana benthamiana .  Molecular Plant Pathology , 00:1-17. (2021)

5) Liu Zhen, Dong Zhenfei, Zhan Binhui*, Li Shifang*. Characterization of an isolate of citrus concave gum-associated virus from apples in china and development of an RT-RPA assay for the rapid detection of the virus.  Plants , 10(11), 2239. (2021)

6) Li Shuai, Zhang Zhixiang, Zhou Changyong*, Li Shifang*. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 1 delays the accumulation of viroids in infected plants. Molecular Plant Pathology , 22:1195-1208. (2021)

7) He Chengyong, Gao Dehang, Fan Lingjiao, Xu Tengfei, Xing Fei, Li Shifang, Wang Hongqing*. The Occurrence of Strawberry Virus 1 Infecting strawberry in shandong province, China.  Plant Disease , 105: 3314. (2021)

8) Zhang Yuhong, Zhou Jun, Zhan Binhui, Li Shifang, Zhang Zhixiang*. First report of peach leaf pitting-associated virus, plum bark necrosis stem pitting-associated virus, and mume virus a from mei ( prunus mume ) in China  Plant Disease , 105: 2259. (2021)

9) Xing Fei, Gao Dehang, Wang Hongqing, Zhang Zhixiang, Habili Nuredin, Li Shifang*. Molecular characterization of rose spring dwarf-associated virus isolated from China rose ( Rosa chinensis Jacq.) in China.  Archives of Virology , 166: 2059-2062. (2021)

10) Li Shuai, Yang Yi, Xing Fei, Che Haiyan, Cao Xueren, Zhang Zhixiang, Khoo Yingwei, Zhou Changyong, Li Shifang*. A rapid sap-direct reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction method for detection of dendrobium viroid in Dendrobium plants. Letters in Applied Microbiology , 73: 26-30. (2021)

11) Kawakubo Shusuke, Gao Fangluan, Li Shifang, Tan Zhongyang, Huang Ying-Kun, Adkar-Purushothama Charith Raj, Gurikar Chennappa, Maneechoat Phoowanarth, Chiemsombat Pissawan, Aye Seint San, Furuya Naruto, Shevchenko Oleksiy, Špak Josef, Škorić Dijana, Ho Simon Y. W., Ohshima Kazusato*. Genomic analysis of the brassica pathogen turnip mosaic potyvirus reveals its spread along the former trade routes of the Silk Road.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 118 (12) e2021221118. (2021)

12) Katsiani A., Li S., Zhou J., Demertzi E., Katis N. I., Maliogka V. I. First report of cherry virus turkey in sweet cherry in Greece.  Plant Disease , 105: 235. (2021)

13) Yang Lijuan, Li Shifang, Zhang Zimeng, Lu Meiguang*. Genome‑wide identification of microRNAs that are responsive to virus/viroid infection in nectarine trees through high‑throughput sequencing.  Tropical Plant Biology , https://doi.org/10.1007/s12042-021-09300-8. (2021)

14) Orfanidou Chrysoula G., Xing Fei, Zhou Jun, Li Shifang, Katis Nikolaos I., Maliogka Varvara I*. Identification and sequence analysis of a novel ilarvirus infecting sweet cherry.  Plants , 10, 514. (2021)

15) He Chengyong, Zhao Xiaoli, Fan Lingjiao, Li Shifang*, Wang Hongqing*. Strawberry, a new natural host of brassica yellows virus in China.  Plant Disease , doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-21-1617-PDN. (2021)

16) Roumi Vahid*, Caglayan Kadriye, Gazel Mona, Li Shifang. Tomato chlorosis virus found to infect Cestrum elegans and C. nocturnum in Turkey.  European Journal of Plant Pathology , 161: 247-252. (2021)

17) Zhou Lingling, Li Xuepei, Kotta-Loizou Ioly, Dong Kaili, Li Shifang, Ni Dejiang, Hong Ni, Wang Guoping, Xu Wenxing*. A mycovirus modulates the endophytic and pathogenic traits of a plant associated fungus.  The ISME Journal , 15:1893-1906. (2021)

18) Cao Mengji*, Zhang Song, Liao Ruiling, Wang Xiaoru, Xuan Zhiyou, Zhan Binhui, Li Zhiqi, Zhang Jie, Du Xinnian, Tang Zhengsen, Li Shifang*, Zhou Yan*. Spatial Virome Analysis of Zanthoxylum armatum trees affected with the flower yellowing disease.  Frontiers in Microbiology , 12:702210. (2021)

19) Serra Pedro, Carbonell Alberto, Navarro Beatriz, Gago-Zachert Selma, Li Shifang, Di Serio Francesco*, Flores Ricardo*. Symptomatic plant viroid infections in phytopathogenic fungi: A request for a critical reassessment.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(19): 10126-10128. (2020)

20) Zhang Zhixiang, Xia Changjian, Matsuda Takahiro, Taneda Akito, Murosaki Fumiko, Hou Wanying, Owens Robert A, Li Shifang*, Teruo Sano*. Effects of Host-adaptive mutations on  hop stunt viroid  pathogenicity and small RNA biogenesis.  International Journal of Molecular Science , 21:7383. (2020)


1) 李世访,李昱佳,李茜,张志想.2017 一株防治植物根癌病的泛菌及其应用(CN201710129777.1)

2) 李世访,李昱佳,李茜,张志想.2017 一株防治植物根癌病的肠杆菌及其应用(CN201710129738.1)

3) 李世访,郭荣君,高之蕾,李茜,李世东. 2014. 一株防治植物根癌病的苍白杆菌及其应用(2014104744524.4)

4) 郭荣君,李世访,高之蕾,李茜,李世东. 2014. 一株防治植物根癌病的产碱菌及其应用(201410474474.X)