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杨秀芬, 女,1963年3月出生于河北唐山, 研究员。1983年毕业于河北农业大学植保系,1989年在华中农业大学植保系获理学硕士学位,1991年在河北农大晋升为讲师,2000年聘为海燕策略研究中心官网副研究员。2010年聘为海燕策略研究中心官网研究员。

主要从事生物农药研究与利用研究,包括真菌蛋白激发子、微生物代谢产物分离,鉴定及作用机制研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项(31272086; 31772151),中比国际合作专项1项((2014DFG32270));主持“863”计划(2011AA10A205)子课题和农业行业专项(200903052)子课题各1项。近年来从植物病原真菌中分离鉴定了2个蛋白激发子,克隆其编码基因并进行蛋白异源表达和功能研究;鉴定了蛋白激发子在烟草细胞中的靶蛋白,阐述了2个蛋白激发子诱导植物广谱抗病性的作用机制。与团队成员共同研发了蛋白质植物免疫诱导剂“阿泰灵”并在多种农作物、果蔬上得到大面积推广应用。在国内外刊物发表科技论文80余篇,参编专著《蛋白质农药》和《植物免疫与植物疫苗》;分别于2012年和2018年获得北京市科学技术二等奖各1项(第2名/10),2016年获得海燕策略研究中心官网杰出创新奖(第3名/15),2016年获得中国植物保护科技一等奖(第2名/15),中国产学研合作创新一等奖(第4名/7)等奖项6项,获得中国发明专利7例。






Zhang Yi, Gao Yuhan, Liang Yingbo, Dong Yijie, Yang Xiufen,* QiuDewen*. 2019. Verticillium dahliae PevD1, an Alt a 1-like protein, targets cotton PR5-like protein and promotes fungal infection. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70 (2): 613-626

Yingbo Liang, Shichun Cui, Xiaoli Tang, Denwen Qiu, Hongmei Zeng, Lihua Guo, Xiufen Yang*. 2018. An asparagine-rich protein Nbnrp1 modulate Verticillium dahliae protein PevD1-induced cell death and disease resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana. Front. Plant Sci. 9:303.

Chenyu Yang, Yingbo Liang, Dewen Qiu, Hongmei Zeng, Jingjing Yuan, Xiufen Yang*.2018. Lignin metabolism involves Botrytis cinerea BcGs1-induced defense response in tomato. BMC plant biology, 18:103.

Yi Zhang, Yingbo Liang, Dewen Qiu, Jingjing Yuan, Xiufen Yang*. 2017. Comparison of cerato-platanin family protein BcSpl1 produced in Pichia pastoris and Escherichia coli. Protein Expression and Purification, 136: 20-26.

Yi Zhang, Yunhua Zhang, Dewen Qiu, Hongmei Zeng, Lihua Guo, Xiufen Yang*.2015. BcGs1, a glycoprotein from Botrytis cinerea, elicits defence response and improves disease resistance in host plants. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 457:627-634

Bingwu Bu, Dewen Qiu, Hongmei Zeng, Lihua Guo, Jingjing Yuan, Xiufen Yang*.2014. A fungal protein elicitor PevD1 induces Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton. Plant Cell Reports, 14: 461-470.7.Yunhua Zhang, Xiufen Yang*, Hongmei Zeng, Lihua Guo, Jingjing Yuan, Dewen Qiu*. 2014. Fungal elicitor protein PebC1 from Botrytis cinerea improves disease resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biotechnology Letters, 36:1069-1078.

Bingnan Wang. Xiufen Yang*. Hongmei Zeng. Hua Liu. Tingting Zhou. Jingjing Yuan. Lihua Guo. Dewen Qiu*. 2012.The Purification and characterization of a novel hypersensitive-like response-inducing elicitor from Verticillium dahliae that induces resistance responses in tobacco.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 93:191-201.

Yao Xiao, Fanlu Meng, Dewen Qiu, Xiufen Yang*.2012. Two novel antimicrobial peptides purified from the symbiotic bacteria Xenorhabdus budapestensis NMC-10,Peptides, 35:253-260

Wei Zhang, Xiufen Yang*, Dewen Qiu, Lihua Guo, Hongmei Zeng. Jianjun Mao, Qiufeng Gao. 2011. PeaT1-induced systemic acquired resistance in tobacco follows salicylic acid-dependent pathway, Molecular biological report, 38(4):2549-56.  

Xiufen Yang, Dewen Qiu, Huaiwen Yang, Zheng Liu, Hongmei Zeng, Jingjing Yuan. 2011. Antifungal activity of xenocoumacin 1 from Xenorhabdus nematophilus var. pekingensis against Phytophthora infestans. World journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 27:523-528.