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张 杰






1、Jiang Jian, Huang Ying, Shu Changlong, Soberón Mario, Bravo Ale, Chunqin Liu, Song Fuping, Jinsheng Lai, Jie Zhang*. 2017. Holotrichia oblita midgut proteins that bind to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry8-like toxin and assembly of the H. oblita midgut tissue transcriptome. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 31: 83(12).

2、Zishan Zhou, Yuxiao Liu, Gemei Liang, Yongping Huang, Alejandra Bravo, Mario Soberón, Fuping Song, Xueping Zhou, Jie Zhang*.  2017. Insecticidal specificity of Cry1Ah to Helicoverpa armigera is determined by binding APN1 through domain II loops 2 and 3. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 83:e02864-16.

3、Chongsi Sun, Lili Geng, Meiling Wang, Gaoxiang Shao, Yongfeng Liu, Changlong Shu, Jie Zhang*. 2017. No adverse effects of transgenic maize on population dynamics of endophytic Bacillus subtilis strain B916-gfp. MicrobiologyOpen . 6:e00404.

4、Yan-qiu Li, Changlong Shu, Yueming Shan, Lili Geng, Fuping Song, Jie Zhang*. 2017. Complete genome sequence of Bacillus thuringiensis Bt185, a potential soil insect biocontrol agent. Journal of Integrative Agriculture . 16(3): 749–751.

5、Fengjiao Zhang, Changlong Shu, Neil Crickmore, Yanqiu Li, Fuping Song, Chunqin Liu, Zhibao Chen, Jie Zhang*. 2016, Use of redundant exclusion PCR to identify a novel Bacillus thuringiensis Cry8 toxin gene from pooled genomic DNA. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 82(13): 3808-15.

6、Changlong Shu, Jianqiao Zhou, Neil Crickmore, Xianchun Li, Fuping Song, Gemei Liang, Kanglai He, Dafang Huang, Jie Zhang*. 2016. In vitro template-change PCR to create single crossover libraries: a case study with B. thuringiensis Cry2A toxins. Scientific Reports . 6: 23536, DOI: 10.1038.

7、Zishan Zhou, Zeyu Wang, Yuxiao Liu, Gemei Liang, Changlong Shu, Fuping Song, Xueping Zhou, Alejandra Bravo, Mario Soberón, Jie Zhang*. 2016. Identification of ABCC2 as a binding protein of Cry1Ac on brush border membrane vesicles from Helicoverpa armigera by an improved pull-down assay. MicrobiologyOpen. 5(4): 659–669.

8、Longfa Fang, BoWang, Zishan Zhou, Sujuan Yang, Changlong Shu, Fuping Song, Alejandra Bravo, Mario Soberón, Jie Zhang*. 2016. Oligomerization of Cry9Aa in solution without receptor binding, is not related with insecticidal activity. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology . 21: 54–57.

9、Yang Bi, Yanrui Zhang, Changlong Shu, Neil Crickmore, Qinglei Wang, Lixin Du, Fuping Song, and Jie Zhang*. 2015. Genomic sequencing identifies novel Bacillus thuringiensis Vip1/Vip2 binary and Cry8 toxins that have high toxicity to Scarabaeoidea larvae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology . 99(2): 753-760.

10、Changlong Shu, Shuqian Tan, Jiao Yin, Mario Soberón, Alejandra Bravo, Chunqing Liu, Lili Geng, Fuping Song, Kebin Li, and Jie Zhang*. 2015. Assembling of Holotrichia parallela (dark black chafer) midgut tissue transcriptome and identification of midgut proteins that bind to Cry8Ea toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology . 99(17):7209-7218.

11、Can Zhao, Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes, Heba M. Abdelgaffar, Hongyu Pan, Fuping Song and Jie Zhang*. 2015. Identification of a new cry1I -type gene as a candidate for gene pyramiding in corn to control Ostrinia species larvae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology . 81(11): 3699-3705.

12、Zisan Zhou, Sujuan Yang, SHU Changlong Shu, Fuping Song, Xueping Zhou, Jie Zhang*. Comparison and optimization of the method for Cry1Ac protoxin preparation in HD73 strain. 2015. Journal of Integrative Agriculture . 14(8): 1598–1603.

13、Lili Geng, Xiaohong Duan, Chun Liang, Changlong Shu, Fuping Song, Jie Zhang*. 2014. Mining tissue-specific contigs from peanut ( Arachis hypogaea L.) for promoter cloning by deep transcriptome sequencing. Plant Cell Physiology. 55(10): 1793–1801.

14、Ying Li, Changlong Shu, Xuewen Zhang, Neil Crickmore, Gemei Liang, Xingfu Jiang, Rongmei Liu, Fuping Song, Jie Zhang*. 2014. Mining rare and ubiquitous toxin genes from a large collection of Bacillus thuringiensis strains. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 122: 6–9.

15、Zishan Zhou, Huiyan Lin, Ying Li, Changlong Shu, Fuping Song and Jie Zhang*. 2014. The minimal active fragment of the Cry1Ai toxin is located between 36I and 605I. Journal of Integrative Agriculture , 13(5): 1036-1042.

16、Yueming Shan, Changlong Shu, Neil Crickmore, Chunqin Liu, Wensheng Xiang, Fuping Song, Jie Zhang*. 2014. Cultivable Gut Bacteria of Scarabs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) inhibit Bacillus thuringiensis multiplication. Environmental Entomology . 43(3): 612-616.

17、Yanhua Jia,• Can Zhao, Qinglei Wang, Changlong Shu, Xiaojie Feng, Fuping Song, Jie Zhang*. 2014. A genetically modified broad-spectrum strain of Bacillus thuringiensis toxic against Holotrichia parallela , Anomala corpulenta and Holotrichia oblita . World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 30(2): 595-603.

18、Changlong Shu, Dongming Liu, Zishan Zhou, Jilin Cai, Qi Peng, Jiguo Gao, Fuping Song and Jie Zhang*. 2013. An improved PCR-RFLP method for the identification of cry1 -type genes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 9(21): 6706-6711.

19、Lili Geng, Jing Chi, Changlong Shu, Peter Gresshoff, Fuping Song, Dafang Huang, Jie Zhang*. 2013. A chimeric cry8Ea1 gene flanked by MARs efficiently controls Holotrichia parallela . Plant Cell Reports. 32: 1211–1218.

20、Weiyu Jiang, Lili Geng, Pingli Dai, Zhihong Lang, Changlong Shu, Yi Lin, Ting, Zhou, Fuping Song and Jie Zhang*. 2013. The Influence of Bt-transgenic maize pollen on the bacterial diversity in the midgut of Chinese honeybees, Apis cerana cerana. Journal of Integrative Agriculture . 12(3): 474-482.