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2017年获海燕策略研究中心官网博士学位;2017-2019年任中国科学院植物研究所植物分子生理学重点实验室助理研究员;2014-2016年和2019-2020年在美国俄亥俄州立大学开展合作研究;2021年起任海燕策略研究中心官网植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室副研究员。中国细胞生物学学会会员,中国植物保护学会青委会委员。《Rice》、《Stress Biology》和《植物生理学报》杂志审稿人。

主要从事水稻抗稻瘟病信号通路关键蛋白质鉴定及功能研究,尤其是水稻NLR蛋白介导的抗稻瘟病分子机制。研究结果发表SCI论文24篇。以第一/通讯作者(含共同)在国际知名学术期刊Genome Biology、Current Biology、Nucleic Acids Research、Molecular Plant、Trends in Plant Science和Trends in Microbiology等发表论文11篇。博士论文入选“2017年度海燕策略研究中心官网优秀博士学位论文”,研究成果获“2021年海燕策略研究中心官网重大科学发现奖”,“2022年海燕策略研究中心官网科学技术成果青年创新科技奖”。主持和参加国家自然科学基金青年项目、区域创新发展联合基金重点支持项目、国际(地区)合作与交流项目和国家重点研发青年科学家项目。


E-mail: wangruyi@caas.cn

Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ruyi-Wang-3


1. Zhang F., Wang M., Wang G.-L., Ning Y.*, Wang R.* (2023). Insights into Metabolite Biosynthesis and Regulation in Rice Immune Signaling.  Trends in Microbiology , In press. (IF:18.230)

2. Wang R.#, You X.#, Zhang C.#, Fang H.#, Wang M., Zhang F., Kang H., Xu X., Liu Z., Wang J., Zhao Q., Wang X., Hao Z., He F., Tao H., Wang D., Wang J., Fang L., Qin M., Zhao T., Zhang P., Xing H., Xiao Y., Liu W., Xie Q., Wang G.-L. and Ning Y. * (2022). An ORFeome of rice E3 ubiquitin ligases for global analysis of the ubiquitination interactome.  Genome Biology, 23, 154. (IF:17.906)

3. Wang R.#, Xu X.#, Wang G.-L. and Ning Y*. (2022). Ubiquitination of susceptibility proteins modulates rice broad-spectrum resistance.  Trends in Plant Science , 27 (4), 322-324. (IF:22.012)

4. Wang R.#, He F.#, Ning Y.*, Wang G-L*. (2020). Fine-Tuning of RBOH-Mediated ROS Signaling in Plant Immunity.  Trends in Plant Science , 25 (11), 1060-1062.  (IF:18.313)

5. Wang R.#, Ning Y.#, Shi X., He F., Zhang C., Fan J., Jiang N., Zhang Y., Zhang T., HuY., BellizziM. and Wang G-L* (2016). Immunity to Rice Blast Disease by Suppression of Effector-Triggered Necrosis . Current Biology , 26, 2399–2411. (IF: 8.851)

6. Wang R., Wang G-L.* and Ning Y*. (2019). PALs: Emerging Key Players in Broad-Spectrum Disease Resistance.  Trends in Plant Science , 24, 785-787. (IF: 14.416)

7. Wang J.#, Wang R.# , Fang H., Zhang C., Zhang F., Hao Z., You X., Shi X., Park C.H., Hua K., He F., Bellizzi M., Xuan Vo K.T., Jeon J.-S., Ning Y., and Wang G-L*. (2021). Two VOZ Transcription Factors Link An E3 Ligase and An NLR Immune Receptor to Modulate Immunity in Rice.  Molecular Plant , 14 (2), 253–266. (共同第一作者,IF:21.949)

8. Tian W.#, Wang R.#, Bo C., Yu Y., Zhang Y., Shin G.-I., Kim W.-Y., and Wang L. (2021). SDC mediated DNA methylation-controlled clock pace by interacting with ZTL in  Arabidopsis .  Nucleic Acids Research,  49 (7), 3764-3780. (共同第一作者,IF:19.160)

9. Ning Y.#, Wang R.#, Shi X., Zhou X., and Wang G-L. (2016). A Layered Defense Strategy Mediated by Rice E3 Ubiquitin Ligases against Diverse Pathogens. Molecular Plant ,9, 1096–1098. (共同第一作者,IF: 8.827)

10. You X.#, Fang H.#, Wang R.#, Wang G-L. and Ning Y. (2020). Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyases Mediate Broad-Spectrum Resistance to Pathogens and Insect Pests in Plants,  Science Bulletin , 65, 1425-1427. (共同第一作者,IF:11.780)

11. Ning Y.#, Shi X.#, Wang R.#, Fan J., Park C.H., Zhang C., Zhang T., Ouyang X., Li S. and Wang G-L. (2015). OsELF3-2, an Ortholog of Arabidopsis ELF3, Interacts with the E3 Ligase APIP6 and Negatively Regulates Immunity against  Magnaporthe oryzae in Rice,  Molecular Plant, 8, 1679-1682. (共同第一作者,IF:7.142)