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1. 病原菌与植物互作:稻瘟菌变异、灾变机制、抗病基因挖掘及其抗性机制

2. 生物安全:重大潜在入侵我国病害麦瘟病的溯源、监测预警

3. 生物信息学:结合大数据和人工智能服务生物育种相关研究

先后主持国家自然科学青年基金、面上项目、国际合作重点项目共4项,作为项目骨干参加其它类型项目10余项。 在Nature genetics , DNA research , Theoretical and Applied Genetics 等遗传学经典学术期刊和Plant Biotechlology Journal, Molecular Plant Pathology , Rice , Phytopathology 等植物、植物病理学专业学术期刊以及Engineering, Science Advances, Genome Biology, Scientific Data等综合学术期刊上发表SCI论文共30余篇。谷歌学术统计发表论文总被引2767次。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,作为骨干参与重点研发等各类项目10余项获辽宁省科技进步一等奖一项:粳稻广谱抗稻瘟病基因发掘与应用,2022年获授权国家发明专利2项在GitHub公共平台发布大数据分析软件/流程2项。


1. 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目“麦瘟病田间检测系统开发及小麦抗麦瘟病遗传基础解析”,2023年01月至2027年12月,260万元

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“稻瘟菌转运子MoABC-R1基因介导的耐药性分子机理解析”,2018年至2021年, 66万元

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“稻瘟菌转座子MoTE-1驱动稻瘟菌突变的分子机理解析”,2016年至2019年,83.4万元

4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“全基因组关联分析深度发掘水稻广谱、持久抗稻瘟病基因”,2013年至2015年,23万元


1. Xu, Y#., Bai, L#., Liu, M#., Liu, Y., Peng, S., Hu, P., ... & Kang, H*. Identification of two novel rice S genes through combination of association and transcription analyses with gene‐editing technology. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2023: 21(8), 1628-1641. (入选PBJ封面论文) (IF=13.8)

2. Hu, P#., Liu, Y#., Zhu, X., & Kang, H*. ABCC Transporter Gene MoABC-R1 Is Associated with Pyraclostrobin Tolerance in Magnaporthe oryzae. Journal of Fungi, 2023:9(9), 917. (IF=4.7)

3. Peng, S#., Liu, Y., Xu, Y., Zhao, J., Gao, P., Liu, Q., ... & Kang, H*. Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies a Plant-Height—Associated Gene OsPG3 in a Population of Commercial Rice Varieties. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023:24(14), 11454. (IF=5.6)

4. Xu, Y#., Yan, S., Jiang, S., Bai, L., Liu, Y., Peng, S., ... & Kang, H. Identification of a Rice Leaf Width Gene Narrow Leaf 22 (NAL22) through Genome-Wide Association Study and Gene Editing Technology. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023:24(4), 4073. (IF=5.6)

5. Su, P#., Wicaksono, W. A., Li, C., Michl, K., Berg, G., Wang, D., .Kang, H*.. & Liu, Y*. Recovery of metagenome-assembled genomes from the phyllosphere of 110 rice genotypes. Scientific Data, 2022: 9(1), 254. (IF=9.8)

6. Li, F#., Marzouk, A. S., Dewer, Y., Kang, H*., & Wang, G*. Genome-wide association study of rice leaf metabolites and volatiles. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022: 222, 2479-2485. (IF=8.2)

7. Yafei Wang#, Houxiang Kang#, Jinai Yao, Zhiqiang Li, Xinyao Xia1, Shaoqun Zhou, Wende Liu* An Improved Genome Sequence Resource of Bipolaris maydis, Causal Agent of Southern Corn Leaf Blight, Phytopathology, 2022:112(6), 1386-1390 (IF=4.0)

8. Kang, H#,*., Peng, Y#., Hua, K#., Deng, Y., Bellizzi, M., Gupta, D. R., ... & Wang, G. L*. Rapid detection of wheat blast pathogen Magnaporthe Oryzae Triticum pathotype using genome-specific primers and cas12a-mediated technology. Engineering, 2021: 7(9), 1326-1335. (IF=12.8)

9. Liu M-H#, Kang H #,*, Xu Y, Peng Y, Wang D, Gao L, Wang X, Ning Y, Wu J, Liu W, Li C, Liu B and Wang G-L*. Genome‐wide association study identifies an NLR gene that confers partial resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019:11 (19), doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13300.(IF=9.8)

10. Feng Z#, Kang H#, Li M, Zou L, Wang X, Zhao J, Wei L, Zhou N, Li Q, Lan Y, Zhang Y, Chen Z, Liu W, Pan X, Wang GL* and Zuo S*.Identification of new rice cultivars and resistance loci against rice black-streaked dwarf virus disease through genome-wide association study. Rice, 2019:12(1):49. (IF=3.9)

11. Su Jiang#, Dan Wang#, Shuangyong Yan, Shiming Liu, Bin Liu, Houxiang Kang* and Guo-Liang Wang*. Dissection of the Genetic Architectureof Rice Tillering using a Genome-wide Association Study. Rice, 2019, 12:43. DOI: 10.1186/s12284-019-0302-1. (IF=3.9)

12. Chen Z#, Feng Z#, Kang H#, Zhao J, Chen T, Li Q, Gong H, Zhang Y, Chen X, Pan X, Liu W, Wang G-L*, Zuo S*. Identification of New Resistance Loci Against Sheath Blight Disease in Rice Through Genome-Wide Association Study. Rice Science, 2019:26(1): 21-31. (IF=3.2)

13. Emmanuel M. Mgonja#, Chan Ho Park#, Houxiang Kang#, Elias G. Balimponya, Stephen Opiyo, Maria Bellizzi, Samuel K. Mutiga, Felix Rotich, Veena Devi Ganeshan, Robert Mabagala, Clay Sneller, Jim Correll, Bo Zhou, Nicholas J. Talbot, Thomas K. Mitchell, and Guo-Liang Wang*. Genotyping-By-Sequencing Based Genetic Analysis of African Rice Cultivars and Association Mapping of Blast Resistance Genes Against Magnaporthe oryzae Populations in Africa. Phytopathology, 2017: 107 (9): 1039-1046. (IF=3.0)

14. Kang H#, Wang Y, Peng S, Zhang Y, Xiao Y, Wang D, Qu S, Li Z, Yan S, Wang Z, Liu W, Ning Y, Korniliev P, Leung H, Mezey J, McCouch SR, Wang GL*. Dissection of the genetic architecture of rice resistance to the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2016, 17(6): 959-972.  (IF=4.7)

15. Kang H#,*, Zhu D#, Lin R, Opiyo SO, Jiang N, Shiu SH, Wang GL*. A novel method for identifying polymorphic transposable elements via scanning of high-throughput short reads. DNA Research. 2016, 23(3): 241-251. (IF=5.4)

16. Zhu D#, Kang H#, Li Z#, Liu M, Zhu X, Wang Y, Wang D, Wang Z, Liu W, Wang GL*. A Genome-Wide Association Study of Field Resistance to Magnaporthe Oryzae in Rice. Rice. 2016 9(1): 44. doi: 10.1186/s12284-016-0116-3. (IF=3.7)

17. Kang H#, Weng Y#, Yang Y, Zhang Z, Zhang S, Mao Z, Cheng G, Gu X, Huang S*, Xie B*. Fine genetic mapping localizes cucumber scab resistance gene Ccu into an R gene cluster. Theor Appl Genet. 2011 Mar;122(4):795-803. (IF=3.1)


18. Wang, R., You, X., Zhang, C., Fang, H., Wang, M., Zhang, F., Kang, H... & Ning, Y. An ORFeome of rice E3 ubiquitin ligases for global analysis of the ubiquitination interactome. Genome Biology, 2022: 23(1), 1-21.

19. Wang, L., Ma, Z., Kang, H., Gu, S., Mukhina, Z., Wang, C., ... & Ma, D. Cloning and functional analysis of the novel rice blast resistance gene Pi65 in japonica rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2022: 1-11.

20. Paul, S. K., Mahmud, N. U., Gupta, D. R., Rani, K., Kang, H., Wang, G. L., ... & Islam, T. Oryzae pathotype of Magnaporthe oryzae can cause typical blast disease symptoms on both leaves and spikes of wheat under a growth room condition. Phytopathology Research, 2022: 4(1), 1-12.

21. Li, W., Xiong, Y., Lai, L. B., Zhang, K., Li, Z., Kang, H., ... & Liu, W. (2021). The rice RNase P protein subunit Rpp30 confers broad‐spectrum resistance to fungal and bacterial pathogens. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 19(10), 1988.

22. Xiao, N., Pan, C., Li, Y., Wu, Y., Cai, Y., Lu, Y., .Kang H.. & Li, A. Genomic insight into balancing high yield, good quality, and blast resistance of japonica rice. Genome biology, 2021: 22(1), 1-22.

23. Wang, D., Liu, Z., Xiao, Y., Liu, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., .Kang, H.. & Li, C. Association Mapping and Functional Analysis of Rice Cold Tolerance QTLs at the Bud Burst Stage. Rice, 2021:14(1), 1-11.

24. Xu, G., Zhong, X., Shi, Y., Liu, Z., Jiang, N., Liu, J.,...Kang H... & Wang, X. A fungal effector targets a heat shock–dynamin protein complex to modulate mitochondrial dynamics and reduce plant immunity. Science advances, 2020:6(48), eabb7719.

25. Li C, Wang D, Peng S, Chen Y, Su P, Chen J, Zheng L, Tan X, Liu J, Xiao Y, Kang H, Zhang D, Wang GL, Liu Y. Genome-wide association mapping of resistance against rice blast strains in South China and identification of a new Pik allele. Rice, 2019, 12(1).

26. Mgonja EM, Balimponya EG, Kang H, Bellizzi M, Park CH, Li Y, Mabagala R, Sneller C, Correll J, Opiyo S, Talbot NJ, Mitchell T, Wang GL*. Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Rice Resistance Genes Against Magnaporthe oryzae Isolates from Four African Countries. Phytopathology. 2016, 106(11): 1359-1365.

27. Wang D#, Liu J#, Li C, Kang H, Wang Y, Tan X, Liu M, Deng Y, Wang Z, Liu Y, Zhang D, Xiao Y, Wang GL*. Genome-wide association mapping of cold tolerance genes at the seeding stage in rice. Rice, 2016, 9(1): 61 DOI: 10.1186/s12284-016-0133-2.

28. Xie X#, Kang H, Liu W*, Wang GL*.Comprehensive profiling of the rice ubiquitome reveals the significance of lysine ubiquitination in young leaves. J Proteome Res. 2015,14(5):2017-2025. doi: 10.1021/pr5009724.

29. Yue Wang#, Dan Wang, Xiaojuan Deng, Jinling Liu, Pingyong Sun, Yang Liu, Hongmei Huang, Nan Jiang, Houxiang Kang, Yuese Ning, Zhilong Wang, Yinghui Xiao, Xionglun Liu, Erming Liu, Liangying Dai, and Guo-Liang Wang*. Molecular Mapping of the Blast Resistance Genes Pi2-1 and Pi51(t) in the Durably Resistant Rice ‘Tianjingyeshengdao’. Phytopathology, 102(8):779-786, 2012.

30. Kai-Li, Z. , Qing-Song, L. , Hou-Xiang, Kang. , Xiao-Mei, L. , Xiu-Ping, C. , & Yu-Fa, P. , et al. (2018). Herbivore-induced rice resistance against rice blast mediated by salicylic acid. Insect Science. 2018: 10.1111/1744-7917.12630

31. Miao Bai#, Guo-Shun Yang, Wen-Ting chen, Zhen-Chuan Mao, Hou-Xiang Kang, Guo-Hua Cheng, Yu-Hong Yang, Bing-Yan Xie*, Genome-wide identification of Dicer-like, Argonaute and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene families and their expression analyses in response to viral infection and abiotic stresses in Solanum lycopersicum. Gene, 501(1):52-62, 2012.

32. Ren Y#, Zhang Z, Liu J, Staub JE, Han Y, Cheng Z, Li X, Lu J, Miao H, Kang H et al.An Integrated Genetic and Cytogenetic Map of the Cucumber Genome. PloS one 2009 4.

33. Huang S#*, Li R#, Zhang Z#, Li L, Gu X, Fan W, Lucas WJ, Wang X, Xie B, Ni P... Kang H et al The genome of the cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. Nature genetics 2009 41: 1275-1281.