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2006年获长江大学学士学位,2007-2014年就读于西北农林科技大学昆虫生态与害虫防治专业并获博士学位。2014年-2016年在中国科学院动物研究所完成博士后研究工作。2016年8月到海燕策略研究中心官网工作。2018年12月-2019年3月赴英国洛桑研究所开展合作研究。主要从事昆虫分子生态学和害虫防治相关研究。近几年的主要研究集中在:1跨纬不同地理区域的麦田系统不同营养级之间的互作关系对气候变暖的响应及关联性分析,并解析植物营养和抗性代谢介导的“植物-昆虫-天敌”对环境变化响应机制。2 小麦与其他开花作物田间景观布局结合挥发物释放等的小麦害虫生态调控的研究。

主持国家自然科学基金2项,主持国家重点研发计划项目子课题、主持博士后科学基金面上资助项目、国家重点实验室开放课题和中国农科院植保所所统筹科研业务费等项目;作为项目骨干参加国家自然科学基金面上项目、农业农村部和财政部国家现代农业产业技术体系项目;“一带一路”沿线国家作物有害生物的预警、监测和绿色防控技术的研究与应用项目;中国农科院创新工程项目;以及中英种子基金项目和欧盟-中国农业害虫综合治理国际合作地平线项目等多项国际合作项目。近几年在相关研究领域杂志 Entomologia Generalis,   Pest Management Science,   Frontiers in Plant Science  ,   BioControl  , Insect Science, Bulletin of Entomological Research ,等杂志发表文章40多篇,其中SCI论文30多篇,第一作者或通讯作者文章19篇。获发明专利1项。获2020年度植物保护学会科学技术奖二等奖,第三完成人。作为主要完成人获神农中华农业科技奖三等奖。2013年和2018年分别荣获北京昆虫学会第十二届和第十七届青年优秀科技论文二等奖和优秀奖。多次参加国际国内会议并作会议报告。任 Frontiers in physiology, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 等多个SCI杂志的审稿编辑。




1. Sun Jingxuan#, Tan Xiaoling#, Li Qian, Francis Frédéric, Chen Julian.2022. Effects of Different Temperatures on the Development and Reproduction of Sitobion miscanthi From Six Different Regions in China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.10:794495

2. Wang Y, Yan J, Sun JR , Shi WP, Harwood JD , Monticelli LS, Tan XL*, and Chen JL *.2021. Effects of field simulated warming on feeding behavior of  Sitobion avenae  (Fabricius) and host defense system. Entomologia Generalis. 41(6) , 567–578

3. Han ZL#, Tan XL#, Wang Y, Xu QX, Zhang Y, Harwood JD, Chen JL. 2019 .Effects of simulated climate warming on the population dynamics of  Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) and its parasitoids in wheat fields . Pest management science,75(12):3252-3259.

4. 谭晓玲,闫甲,苗进,孙靖轩,陈巨莲. 2021.小麦间作豌豆和挥发物释放结合不同器械施药对麦田害虫和天敌的影响. 中国生物防治学报.37(5) : 904-913.

5. Wei Zihan, Wang Xiaoqi, Li Peirong, Tan Xiaoling*, & Yang Xueqing*. (2020). Diet-mediated effects of cadmium on the fitness-related traits and detoxification and antioxidative enzymes in the oriental armyworm, mythimna separata. Entomologia Generalis.40(4):407-419

6. 闫甲,王怡,李迁,王倩,秦耀果,谭晓玲*,陈巨莲*.2020.田间土壤施硅对小麦和麦蚜的影响.植物保护学报.47(6):1228-1233

7. Li PR, Li XR, Wang W, Tan XL*, Wang XQ,Yang XQ *. 2021. Transcriptional identification of differentially expressed genes during the prepupal–pupal transition in the oriental armyworm,  mythimna separata (walker) (lepidoptera: noctuidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research, 111(4):485-498

8. Yue Li, Xin-Ru Li, Wei Wang, Ning He, Xiao-Ling Tan*, XueQing Yang* .2019. LC50 of lambda-cyhalothrin stimulates reproduction on the moth Mythimna separata (Walker) Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology,153:47-54

9. Tan XL, Chen JL, Benelli G, Desneux N, Yang XQ, Liu TX and Ge F.2017. Pre-infestation of Tomato Plants by Aphids Modulates Transmission-Acquisition Relationship among Whiteflies, Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) and Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science . 8:1597. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01597

10. Tan XL#, Hu NN#, Zhang F, Ramirez-Romero R, Desneux N, Wang S. & Ge F. 2016. Mixed release of two parasitoids and a polyphagous ladybird predator to suppress the tobacco whitefly  Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Scientific Reports,6, 28245

11. Xiao D #, Tan, XL #, Wang WJ, Zhang F, Desneux N.& Wang S. 2017. Modification of flight and locomotion performances, respiratory metabolism, and transcriptome expression in the lady beetle  Harmonia axyridis  through sublethal pesticide exposure. Frontiers in Physiology,  8 , 33.

12. Tan XL, Zhao J, Wang S, & Zhang F. 2015.Optimization and evaluation of microencapsulated artificial diet for mass rearing the predatory ladybird  Propylea japonica (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).  Insect Science . 22:111-120

13. Tan XL& Liu TX. 2014. Aphid-induced plant volatiles affect the attractiveness of tomato plants to  Bemisia tabaci  and associated natural enemies. Entomologia  Experimentalis et Applicata . 151(3): 259-269

14. Tan XL, Wang S, Ridsdill-Smith J, Liu TX. 2014.Direct and Indirect Impacts of Infestation of tomato plant by Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on  Bemisia tabaci  (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) ,  PloS ONE. 9(4): e94310.

15. Yang F#, Tan X L#, Liu F H, Wang S, Chen JL, & Yi TY.2017. A functional response evaluation of pre-infestation with  Bemisia tabaci cryptic species MEAM1 on predation by  Propylea japonica of  Myzus persicae on host plant tomatoes. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 11:825-832.

16. Tan XL, Wang S & Liu TX. 2014. Acceptance and suitability of four plant substrates for rearing  Orius sauteri (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae). Biocontrol Science and Technolog y  .  2 4(3): 291-302

17. Tan XL, Wang S & Zhang F. 2013. Optimization an Optimal Artificial Diet for the Predatory Bug  Orius sauteri (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), PloS ONE 8(4): e61129.

18. Tan XL, Zhao J, Zhang F & Wang, S. 2014. Light dependency of life trail, reproduction, locomotion, and predation in the polyphagous ladybird  Hippodamia variegate . Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 152(3), 200-208.

19. 谭晓玲,李修炼,王甦, 张帆.2010. 东亚小花蝽人工饲料微胶囊工艺应用研究.昆虫学报. 53 ( 8) : 891- 900