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2004年获东北农业大学植物保护专业学士学位,2008年获海燕策略研究中心官网农业昆虫与害虫防治专业硕士学位,2011年获海燕策略研究中心官网农业昆虫与害虫防治专业博士学位。2009年博士在读期间赴比利时列日大学联培1年。2011年至2013年在海燕策略研究中心官网从事博士后研究,出站后留所工作。2017年以访问学者身份赴英国John Innes Center研究所开展合作研究1年。

立足蚜害绿色控害,开展相关机制解析和应用基础研究。综合运用多组学数据开展个性化分析,辅助以下工作:1. 围绕植物-蚜虫-天敌三营养级互作,开展基于“推-拉”策略的蚜虫绿色防控技术集成研发及化学生态机制解析;2. 围绕昆虫内(JHIII、20E)、外激素(EBF),开展蚜虫翅二型调控机制解析;3. 控害新靶标基因资源发掘。前后主持国家自然科学基金2项、国家博士后基金1项、国家转基因重大专项子课题1项、中国农科院院基础业务项目2项。作为科研骨干参加国家自然科学基金5项、国际合作项目4项、国家重点研发计划双减项目3项。在 GiGA Science 、 Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 等学术期刊发表科技论文30余篇。以第一发明人获授权国家发明专利4项、实用新型1项。2019年获神农中华农业科技奖“小麦蚜虫灾变规律与防控技术”三等奖(第6完成人)。


E-mail:jfan@ippcaas.cn; fanjia@caas.cn


1. Haicui Xie , Fengyu Shi, Jingshi Li, Miaomiao Yu, Xuetao Yang, Yun Li and Jia Fan*. The reciprocal effect of elevated CO2 and drought on wheat-aphid interaction system. Frontiers in Plant Sciences (IF: 6.627). 2022, 13:853220. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.853220.

2. 张思宇,于苗苗,王文凯*,范佳*,陈巨莲.荻草谷网蚜两个内参基因的克隆及表达谱分析.中国生物防治学报. https://doi.org/10.16409/j.cnki.2095-039x.2022.03.014.

3. Jiang X, Qin Y, Jiang J, Xu Y, Francis F, Fan J* and Chen J*. Spatial expression analysis of odorant binding proteins in both sexes of the aphid parasitoid  Aphidius gifuensis and their ligand binding properties. Frontiers in Physiol (IF: 4.755). 2022, 13: 877133. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.877133.

4. Zhang S, Zhang Q, Jiang X, Li Q, Qin Y, Wang W, Fan J* and Chen J*. Novel Temporal Expression Patterns of EBF-Binding Proteins in Wing Morphs of The Grain Aphid Sitobion miscanthi . Frontiers in Physiol (IF: 4.755). 2021, 12:732578. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.732578

5. Wang L, Yin H, Zhu Z, Yang S and Fan J*. A Detailed Spatial Expression Analysis of Wing Phenotypes Reveals Novel Patterns of Odorant Binding Proteins in the Soybean Aphid,  Aphis glycines . Frontiers in Physiol (IF: 4.755), 2021, 12:702973.

6. Qin Y., Yang Z., Fan J.*, Jiang X., Yang X.* and Chen J.*. Synthesis, crystal structure and bioactivities of N-(5-(4-chlorobenzyl)-1,3,5-triazinan-2-ylidene) nitramide.  Crystals  (IF: 2.589) . 2020, 10, 245. doi: 10.3390/ cryst10040245

7. Xin Jiang, Qian Zhang, Yaoguo Qin, Hang Yin, Siyu Zhang, Qian Li, Yong Zhang, Jia Fan* and Julian Chen*. A chromosome-level draft genome of the grain aphid  Sitobion miscanthi. GiGA Science  (IF: 5.993). 2019, Doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giz101. 4.688

8. Jia Fan, Qian Zhang, Qingxuan Xu, Wenxin Xue, Zongli Han, Jingrui Sun, Julian Chen; Differential expression analysis of olfactory genes based on a combination of sequencing platforms and behavioral investigations in  Aphidius gifuensis  . Frontiers in Physiology (IF:3.367). 2018, 9: 1679. Doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01679

9. Fan Jia, Xue Wenxin, Duan Hongxia, Jiang Xin, Zhang Yong, Yu Wenjuan, Jiang Shanshan, Sun Jingrun, Chen Julian. Identification of an intraspecific alarm pheromone and two conserved odorant-binding proteins associated with (E)-β-farnesene perception in aphid  Rhopalosiphum padi . Journal of Insect Physiology (IF: 2.733). 2017, (101): 151-160.

10. Fan Jia, Zhang Yong, Francis Frédéric, Cheng Dengfa, Sun Jingrun, Chen Julian*. Orco mediates olfactory behaviors and winged morph differentiation induced by alarm pheromone in the grain aphid,  Sitobion avenae (IF:). Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IF: 3.767). 2015, 64: 16-24.

11. Fan Jia, Francis Frederic, Liu Yong, Chen Julian*, Cheng Dengfa*. An overview of odorant-binding protein functions in insect peripheral olfactory reception. Genetic and Molecular Research. 2011, 10 (4): 3056-3069

12. Fan Jia, Chen Julian, Cheng Dengfa, Sun Jingrui. Cloning and eukaryotic expression of olfaction-related Gqα-protein gene in English grain aphid ( Sitobion avenae ). Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 2009, 6(2): 111-117

13. Qian Li, JingXuan Sun, YaoGuo Qin, Jia Fan, Yong Zhang, XiaoLing Tan, MaoLin Hou, JuLian Chen. Reduced insecticide susceptibility of the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi after infection by the secondary bacterial symbiont Hamiltonella defensa. Pest Management Science (IF: 4.845). 2020, 6221, https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.6221

14. Sun JX, Li Q, Tan XL, Fan J, Francism F, Chen JL. Population genetic structure of  Sitobion miscanthi in China. Journal of Integrated Agriculture. 2022, 21(1):10

15. Li Q, Fan J, Sun JX, Zhang Y, Hou ML, Chen JL. Anti-plant defense response strategies mediated by the secondary symbiont Hamiltonella defensa in the wheat aphid Sitobion miscanthi. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10: 2419.

16. Yong Zhang, Jia Fan, Yu Fu, Frédéric Francis, Julian Chen*. Plant-mediated interactions between two cereal aphid species: promotion of aphid performance and attraction of more parasitoids by infestation of wheat with phytotoxic aphid Schizaphis graminum. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2019, 67(10): 2763-2773.

17. Yong Zhang, Yu Fu, Jia Fan, Qian Li, Frédéric Francis, Julian Chen*. Comparative transcriptome and histological analyses of wheat in response to phytotoxic aphid Schizaphis graminum and non-phytotoxic aphid Sitobion avenae feeding. BMC Plant Biology. 2019, 19: 547.

18. Li Qian, Fan Jia, Sun Jingrui, Wang Manqun, Chen Julian*. Plant-mediated horizontal transmission of Hamiltonella defensa in the wheat aphid  Sitobion miscanthi . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018, 66(51): 13367-13377.

19. Li Qian, Fan Jia, Sun Jingrui, Wang Manqun, Chen Julian*. Effect of the Secondary Symbiont  Hamiltonella defensa  on Fitness and Relative Abundance of  Buchnera aphidicola  of Wheat Aphid,  Sitobion miscanthi.  Frontiers in Microbiology,2018, 9, 582.

20. Zhang Yong, Fan Jia, Sun Jingrui, Francis Frederic, Chen Julian*. Molecular characterization and gene silencing of Laccase 1 in the grain aphid, Sitobion avenae. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. 2018, e21446.